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Page: 1 Höhlencaches in BB-BE-MV-SN-ST-TH
In Rheinland-Pfalz haben wir seit 2012 bereits ein vollständiges amtliches Verbot für Caches in Höhlen, Bunkern, Erdkellern und ähnlichen Fledermausquartieren. Es wäre schön, wenn wir ein solches Totalverbot in anderen Bundesländern vermeiden können. Ab


Page: About This Guide
The local laws and guidelines for geocaching placement vary from place to place. As community reviewers learn geocache placement policies for a certain location, they can add it here. This site may not be a complete or accurate list of land policies. Thes
Page: Adventure Lab Caches & Bonus Cache für Adventure Lab Adventure Lab - Richtlinien Die öffentlichen Richtlinien für Adventure Labs findest du hier: Adventure Lab guidelines ht
Page: Africa
Page Header Africa About This Guide Creative Commons License
Page: Africa, at large
Can I hide a cache while on vacation? It’s not recommended We recommend that you do not hide a geocache while traveling. Vacation/holiday caches are usually not published. Geocache owners must visit their caches to maintain them
Page: Agenda och marknadsföring
Vad kan cachebeskrivningen innehålla avseende agenda och marknadsföring Guidelines säger följande om agenda: Cachebeskrivningar som uppfattas att framhålla en agenda eller belysa en ståndpunkt kommer inte att publiceras. Geocaching är ett roligt familjevä
Page: Alabama
Page Header Table of Contents General Information This page contains specific geocaching land management policies for Alabama. Naturally all other guidelines, including obtaining adequate permission for any geocache pl
Page: Alaska
Page Header About This Guide Alaska Reviewer: Greatland Reviewer GeocacheAlaska's Advocacy Committee and individual cachers have worked with Alaskan Land Managers to id
Page: Albania
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if there is information available. garu About This Guide Creative Commons License
Page: Alberta
Table of Contents: 1. Alberta Provincial Parks and Protected Areas 2. National Parks 3. Fire Lookout Towers 4. Calgary City Parks 5. Canada Post Corporation 6. City of Lethbridge Caching in Alberta During COVID-19 Updates: Events: A
1 de Agosto de 2021 Continuam a existir condicionantes ao geocaching apesar do levantamento de restrições decretado a partir de 1 de Agosto de 2021. A criação de eventos de geocaching (os quais, por definição, devem ser acessíveis a todos os geocachers) f
Page: Archiv
Geocaching und Corona - Weiterhin keine Veröffentlichung von neuen Geocaches inkl. Events Lieber Cacheowner, wie Ihr alle wisst, durchleben wir gerade besondere Zeiten. Diese erfordern u.a. auch besondere Maßnahmen. Im bayerischen Reviewerteam haben wir e
Page: Arizona
General Information When will my Geocache be published? In Arizona, we have 3 Volunteers who review and publish geocaches. We strive to begin review of geocaches within 7 days. Typically, it is much sooner. If some of your geocaches are published by on
Page: Arkansas
Page Header Table of Contents Arkansas State Parks A geocache permit is required for all Arkansas State Parks. The permits are issued locally at each state park office or visitor's center. The permit number should be added to the Description section of th
Page: Arkivera en geocache
Borttagning av en geocache görs genom att arkivera den. Arkivering innebär att geocachen inte längre är sökbar, visas inte på kartan samt att platsen den legat på blir tillgänglig för nya geocacher. Geocachen går fortfarande att hitta på andra sätt. Den f
Page: Armenia
Page Header Regional Guidelines for Armenia. To be written. FroggyBearReviewer (Mikme) - whole country, excl. Earthcaches About This Guide Creative Commons License
Page: Asia
Regional Geocaching Policies Wiki.png Asia About This Guide Creative Commons License
Page: Asia at large
General Information Vacation Caches Can I hide a cache while on vacation? It’s not recommended We recommend that you do not hide a geocache while traveling. Vacation/holiday caches are usually not published. Geocache owners must visit their caches to main
Page: Australia
Page Header See also individual State pages: New South Wales Queensland South Australia Northern Territory Victoria Tasmania Western Australia Australian Capital Territory Australia Reviewers Ngaambul (NSW, AC
Page: Australian Capital Territory
Page Header Canberra Nature Park Reserve Management Plan From the above management plan, the following is defined as best practice. » Use virtual geocaching in pr
Page: Austria
Page Header Einschränkungen bei Geocaching Events Events im alpinen Gelände Hüttenevents im hochalpinen Gelände (Schützhütten, etc.), also schwer zu erreichende Locations sind seit 2017 nach Rücksprache mit Groundspeak nicht mehr zugelassen. Einer der Hau


Page: Back up NL
Page Header Doorzoek deze Wiki pagina, vul elke tekst in of de naam van een gebiedsbeheerder, bijvoorbeeld Staatsbosbeheer Inhoudsopgave Richtlijnen De Richtlijnen en de artikelen in het Help Center bevatten veel informatie over caches plaatsen en wat je
Page: Baden-Württemberg
Regelungen Angelcaches Sperrzonen Staatswald: Bitte beachtet, dass Angelcaches hier nicht erlaubt sind. Link zur Karte auf der die Gebiete erfasst sind: Karte ForstBW
Page: Baltic States
Page Header Baltic States About This Guide Creative Commons License
Page: Bayern
- letzte Aktualisierung - Geocaching-Events, Eventstacking und optionale Veranstaltungen,EventstackingundoptionaleVeransta
Page: Belarus
Page Header Regional Guidelines for Belarus. To be written. FroggyBearReviewer (Mikme) - whole country, excl. Earthcaches About This Guide Creative Commons License
Page: Belgium
Cache reviewing in Belgium is performed by two teams of reviewers, depending on the region in which the cache is located. For simplicity, there are only two "cache-review" regions: The region Vlaanderen, consisting of the five provinces (in the sense of t
Page: Berlin
Anprechpartner Veröffentlichen: FloraAmantes, MissSmartcookie, Maxwell-Smar
Page: Bosnia & Herzegovina
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if there is information available. Cenarius, ArsenLupiga
Page: Brandenburg
Durchsuche unser Wiki Ansprechpartner Veröffentlichen: MissSmartcookie, FloraAmantes
Page: Brasil
Page Header Índice de conteúdos ALERTA COVID-19 Abril 2020 De acordo com as informações fornecidas à população pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária e Ministério da Saúde, o Brasil permanece numa situação delicada no que respeita a infecção por CO
Page: Bremen
Besucht bitte die zusammgefasste Seite des Norddeutschen Reviewerteams UsageGuidelines
Page: British Columbia
Events and COVID-19 Updated November 14, 2021 As stated in the geocaching guidelines, "Events must comply with health and safety guidelines, as well as all local laws. Event cache owners are responsible for ensuring the number of people in attendance is i
Page: Bulgaria
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if there is information available. garu About This Guide Creative Commons License


Page: Cacheunderhåll
All kommunikation gällande cacheunderhåll ska ske i loggar på cachesidan! Snabblänkar till vanliga frågor: Min cache har just inaktiverats av en reviewer. Utöver att publicera cacher så städar vi bland befintliga cacher. Detta görs bland annat på cacher v
Page: California
Page Header About This Guide California Reviewers: RedHiker, TOTTcho, Stagmomantis
Page: Canada
Page Header Canada Region/Focus Additional Policy Info Reviewer Team Alberta Regional Policies Cache Effect British Colu
Page: Cape Verde
Page Header Table of Contents Vacation Caches: The Cape Verde archipelago is essentially a holiday destination country and does not exist for the time being a local geocaching community. It is natural that foreign geocachers intend to put caches on these
Page: Caribbean
Can I hide a cache while on vacation? It’s not recommended We recommend that you do not hide a geocache while traveling. Vacation/holiday caches are usually not published. Geocache owners must visit their caches to maintain them
Page: Central America
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if there is information available. Clocker, Sispoglo About This Guide C
Page: Challenge-cacher
Allmänt Riktlinjerna för challenge-cacher finns att läsa i Help Center Kom ihåg att en challenge-cache måste ha ordet "Challenge" i cachenamnet, den måste ha attributet "Challenge ca
Page: Channel Islands
This Wiki covers the Bailiwick of Jersey and the Bailiwick of Guernsey which also includes the islands of Alderney, Herm and Sark. Table of Contents Guidelines The Guidelines and Help Center contain a lot of information about general cache placement and w
Page: Checklist
Voordat je een geocache gaat plaatsen raden wij je aan eerst de richtlijnen en deze checklist goed door te nemen. Het is niet verplicht een aantal caches te hebben gevonden voordat je zelf een cache plaatst In de
Page: China
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if there is information available. About This Guide Creative Commons License
Page: Clean-Air, Archivierung, Reaping - was ist das? Geocaching macht dann Spass, wenn die Caches, welche gesucht werden vor Ort und in gutem Zustand sind. Es macht keine Freude eine verschwundene Dose zu
Page: Colorado
The following information is for public lands within Colorado where there are specific concerns relating to geocaching. This list is not all inclusive. Keep in mind that when selecting a location for a geocache (public or private), it is always up to the
Page: Connecticut
Page Header When placing a geocache in CT, you should provide basic information in a reviewer note that includes the type of container used, a description of how it is hidden, and the name and contact info for the person granting permission for the hide.
Page: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
Updated 17/04/21 - Isle of Man - End of Lockdown and Cache Publication The Isle of Man Government has announced that from the first minute of Monday 19th April. As long as nothing happens between now and then that causes us undue concern, the remaining lo
Page: Coronavirus / Covid 19 Updates
Local Lockdown Approach - Cache Publication - Events & CITOs - Archiving Caches 22nd January 2022 The Ireland Reviewer Team is committed to following government directives. In response to the ongoing situation re Covid 19 and the major lifting of restrict
Page: Covid-19
Beste Nederlandse community, geocache-vrienden, De Nederlandse regering heeft de maatregelen rondom het Covid-19 virus met ingang van zaterdag 15 januari 2022 aangepast. Update 15 januari 2022: De overheid heeft een advies ingesteld aangaande samenkomsten
Page: COVID-19 in Slovenia
Page Header ZADNJE NOVICE COVID-19: 21. 2. 2022 Vse omejitve glede objav zakladov in dogodkov so bile odpravljene. Vpliv ukrepov COVID-19 na geolov (Impact of COVID-19 measures on geocaching):
Page: Creative Commons License
creativelicense.png This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. If you contribute to this wiki, you agree to provide permission to ot
Page: Croatia
Wiki stranica za Hrvatsku - ovdje možete naći neke posebnosti koje postoje u Hrvatskoj te informacije gdje možete i ne možete sakriti geocache. Moraju se poštovati svi lokalni zakoni i politika upravljanja zemljištem. Ovo se odnosi i na postavljanje cache
Page: Cyprus
Page Header COVID-19 (Coronavirus) 2023 All covid restrictions have now been lifted. Should things change notifications will be placed here Caching in Cyprus is a unique experience however in addition to Geocaching Guidelines, there are local laws that
Page: Czech Republic
Page Header Bridges, bridging technology, product Do not allow the location of the cache on bridge structures, bridges or bridging technology and so. Pipelines, which is not an official walkway to the public and which therefore Keser no business. The exce


Page: Danmark, Færøerne, Grønland og Nordpolen
Opdateret den 11. februar 2023 INDHOLD Generelt Denne regionale geo-wiki udgør ikke en komplet oversigt, som dækker alle situationer inden for geocaching, men er tænkt som et lokalt dansk supplement til de generelle retningslinjer for geocaching og “Terms
Page: Delaware
Page Header OReviewer Table of Contents Challenges The guidelines don't specify from what area "plenty of qualifying caches" is. For the purposes of this state, consider 500 mi
Page: Delsteg/Waypoints
Allmänt Den här guiden innehåller en hel del bilder, om du klickar på dom blir dom större. När du gjort klar själva cachebeskrivningen behöver du i vissa fall komplettera med så kallade "waypoints" som innehåller information om delsteg och var du gömt slu
Page: District of Columbia
Page Header About This Guide District of Columbia Reviewers: FrancisScottKey This page was last update on 9/15/2022 Events You must have permission to hold a public event
Page: Drawing overlays in Google Earth
Introduction If you contact a landowner or land manager about getting permission it's really helpful to get a map of the area. This can be used by the reviewers when checking cache locations as well as other cachers who may want to place a cache there. Th
Page: Düsseldorf
Die Stadt Düsseldorf duldet Geocaches, wenn bestimmte Regeln eingehalten werden. Die Regeln vom Gartenamt der Stadt Düsseldorf kannst du hier nachlesen:


Page: EarthCache zakladi
Smernice za EarthCache zaklade 1. EarthCache zaklad mora ponuditi znanje s področja geologije 2. EarthCache zaklad mora biti poučen P
Page: EarthCaches
Page Header The Geocaching Knowledgebase entry for EarthCaches can be found by clicking here - please review the information before submitting your EarthCache for review. EarthCaches require
Page: Eastern Europe
Page Header Regional Guidelines for: - Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia About This Guide Creative Commons License
Page: Einschränkungen bestimmter NSG in Thüringen
Ort bzw. Eigentümer Karte* Information Geocaching erlaubt Nationalparkverwaltung Hainich NPH.kmz Zulassung nur mit Genehmigung der Nationalparkverwaltung begrenzt/ja m.G. Stadt Jena Zulassung in NSG nur mit Genehmigung der UNB begrenzt/ja m.G. Region Ky
Page: Estonia Disabling caches for winter: Some caches might be unavailable at winter or bird nesting season. If you
Page: Europe & Eurasia
Page Header Europe & Eurasia About This GuideCreative Commons License
Page: Events in Berlin und CIVID-19
BERLIN: Der Gesundheitsenat hat per Anordnung alle Veranstaltungen mit über 1000 Teilnehmern abgesagt. Für Veranstaltungen unter 1000 Teilnehmern ist durch die zuständige Behörd


Page: Fairport Harbor - Zion Lutheran Cemetery
Page: Faroe Islands
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if there is information available. Toa Ignika Toa Takanuva About This Guide Creative Comm
Page: Finding Coordinates
How do I get coordinates to enter into interactive maps? If you are placing a cache you must use your GPS to get the correct coordinates. The geocaching website uses coordinates in decimal degrees - HDDD° MM.MMM - which look like this N56°10.240 W003°22.2
Page: Finland & Åland Islands
Reviewers for Finland acadicus Circine Descarted LemmusLemmusFIN
Page: Fledermausschutzzeit NRW
Fledermausschutzzeit NRW Seit 2010 gilt in ganz Deutschland eine allgemeine Fledermausschutzzeit von 1. Oktober bis 31. März. In dieser Zeit dürfen laut Bundesnaturschutzgesetz Höhlen, Stollen, Erdkeller oder ähnliche Räume, die als Winterquartier von Fle
Page: Florida
Page Header 27 April 2022, Covid 19 restrictions - subject to change Currently we're publishing caches, events where the facility can meet social distancing and crowd requirements. Maintenance expectations are somewhat suspended. Please disable your cac
Page: Florida - Groundspeak Volunteers - Groundspeak Wiki
{bookmark:url=}Florida Land policies{bookmark}
Page: Forestry Commission - East England Forest District
Geocaches on Forestry Commission Land East England Forest District Map of the East England boundary Original agreement document Forestry Commission - Forest Enterprise - Local Offices (England) The Forestry
Page: Forestry Commission - Scotland
The Forestry Commission in Scotland allow geocaches to be placed anywhere on their land (subject to conditions as outlined in the Landowner Database). You can download maps of each forest district that will open in Google Earth which is a free download fo
Page: France
Page Header Où vous devez avoir une permission et où c'est interdit Les caches sont possibles accompagnées de l’autorisation du gestionnaire des lieux ou si l'emplacement ou la cache remplissent certaines conditions. Les caches ne sont pas autorisés pour


Page: Genaue Koordinaten ermitteln / How to find precise Coordinates
Einführung / Introduction Um genaue Koordinaten erfassen zu kennen musst Du einiges über die unterschiedlichen Koordinatenformate wissen und über die Pr
Page: Geocaching Events in NRW
In den Geocache Hiding Guidelines werden die Regelungen für Geocaching Events beschrieben. Geocaching-Events sind Treffen von Geocachern, die sich auf den soz
Page: Geocaching in Bayern
- Aktuell tätige Reviewer Abariel Allgovia Buttnmandl Durandl http://www.geoca
Page: Geocaching und Corona
- Status Überprüfung und Veröffentlichung Geocaches Geocaching Events Überprüfung (Review) Veröffentlichung (Publish) Überprüfung (Review) Veröffentlichung (Publish) Status Earth Caches CITO Überprüfung (Review) Veröffentlichung (Publish) Überprüfung (Rev
Page: Geocaching und Naturschutz
Suchen und Finden Übergeortnete Hinweise zum Legen von Geocaches in Schutzgebieten - Essenzielle Hinweise für Schutzgebiete Um weiteren Geocaching-Verboten in Naturschutzgebieten entgegenzuwirken, bitten wir um nachfolgende Beachtung und Mitwirkung. Konte
Page: Georgia
Page Header Table of Contents Arabia Mountain Davidson Preserve No Geocaching permitted in the preserve unless placed by volunteer Tom Smith, Aka arabia
Page: Georgia (country)
Page Header Regional Guidelines for Georgia. To be written. FroggyBearReviewer (Mikme) - whole country, excl. Earthcaches About This Guide Creative Commons License
Page: Germany 2RaumBulli, Abariel
Page: Gibraltar
Table of Contents Guidelines The Guidelines and Help Center contain a lot of information about general cache placement and what you need to know. The information in this Wiki is based on these guidelines as applied to the British Overseas Territory of Gib
Page: GPS Nutzung
GPS ist ein elementarer Bestandteil von Geocaching Aus den Geocaching Guidelines Get accurate GPS coordinates. GPS usage is an essential element of hiding and seeking caches. The cache owner must vi
Page: Granskningsprocessen
Att få sin cache snabbt publicerad Här delar vi en del tips och trix som hjälper dig som cacheägare att få din cache publicerad så snabbt och smidigt som möjligt. Begrepp: Här förklarar vi några vanliga begrepp som det är bra att känna till. Status En opu
Page: Greece
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if there is information available. HellasReviewer About This Guide Creative Commons License
Page: Greenland
Page Header Check any Regional Guidelines in the Danish page. Greenland is reviewed by the Danish Volunteer Reviewers. Toa Ignika, Toa Takanuva, Toa Onua http:


Page: Hamburg
Besucht bitte die zusammgefasste Seite des Norddeutschen Reviewerteams UsageGuidelines
Page: Hawai'i
Page Header Hawai'i Reviewer: Greatland Reviewer Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources Wildlife Sanctuaries The Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) has an online docume
Page: Hessen
Dr. Zarkov John_Koenig (Reaper) Rummelmatz
Page: Historical Sites
Page Header Table of Contents Introduction Geocaches are not placed in restricted, prohibited or otherwise inappropriate locations - The cache placement is in an area that is highly sensitive to additional foot and/or vehicular traffic including, but not
Page: Hosting a Geocaching Event in the UK
Event stacking This phrase refers to holding multiple events that are close to each other or at similar times. Events are social gatherings of geocachers and having too many too close to each other diminishes their value to the community. Events are not j
Page: Hungary
Page Header Table of Contents Geocaching találkozók / Geocaching event guide 2021.07.02. Minden láda, mely a ládarejtési irányelveknek megfelel megjelenhet, korlátozás nélkül. Any caches which fit the guidelines will be published without restriction. 202
Page: Hur gör jag om jag inte är nöjd med ert beslut?
Skicka en cache till Geocaching HQ för Appeal Det finns tillfällen då man inte blir nöjd med det beslut vi fattat. Man kanske inte helt förstår eller tycker att den tolkning vi gjort inte överensstämmer med vad som framgår av riktlinjerna. Vi vill börja m


Page: Iceland
Can I hide a cache while on vacation? It’s not recommended We recommend that you do not hide a geocache while traveling. Vacation/holiday caches are usually not published. Geocache owners must visit their caches to maintain them
Page: Idaho
Page Header Covid Restrictions: There are currently no covid restrictions on events or caches. Geocaching Restrictions: National Parks: The National Park Service generally does not allow physical geocaches on land they control. In very rare cases caches h
Page: Illinois
Page Header This is a list of the known regions in Illinois that have published geocaching policies. Note that some areas may have policies but have not yet put them onto a formal web page, or may have done so, but the reviewers have not been made aware o
Page: India
General Information Vacation Caches Can I hide a cache while on vacation? It’s not recommended We recommend that you do not hide a geocache while traveling. Vacation/holiday caches are usually not published. Geocache owners must visit their caches to main
Page: Indiana
Page Header Table of Contents Cemeteries We don't mind cemetery cache hides at all, just stay away from all graves and be respectful in your hide. Coffee Creek Watershed Preserve As of July 2016, the Coffee Creek Watershed Preserve has implemented a geoc
Page: Interactive Application Forms
Interactive application forms are available to place geocaches on certain land areas such as nature reserves. Please select the organisation you want from the list below. Click on the name to download the form. Details of how to apply and any specific gui
Page: Iowa
Page Header The biggest issues that prevent a cache from being published: 1. Proximity Putting your cache too near an existing cache. This includes stages of other multi caches and solutions to other puzzle caches. Guidelines require 528ft (0.1mi) separat
Page: Ireland
For the latest Corona Virus (COVID-19) updates, and how it affects the publication and reaping of all cache types in Ireland - Coronavirus / Covid 19 Updates - Last Updated: 22nd January 2022 Page Header Table of Contents *******************************
Page: Isle of Man
Covid 19 Updates on the Isle of Man - Please Visit Here Table of Contents Reviewer for the Isle of Man - Southerntrekker
Page: Israel
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if there is information available. Matmonai About This Guide Creative Commons License
Page: Italy, San Marino and Vatican City
Indice (Index) Per favore contattate i reviewer qualora abbiate dubbi relativi a queste Linee Guida locali oppure ad argomenti che non sono (ancora) stati trattati. Please contact one of the reviewers if you have any doubt regarding this local policies or


Page: Japan
Page Header Contact regional reviewers to see if information is available. ShinyOrbital About This Guide Creative Commons License


Page: Kansas
Page Header Note ref COVID 19 Restrictions are enacted and enforced at a county by county basis. In general Kansas is fairly open, but social distancing and masks are encouraged. Kansas Department of Wildlife Parks & Tourism Lands KDWP has been very geoca
Page: Keine neuen Events mehr bis auf widerruf in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Derzeit gibt es keine neuen Events mehr. Da die Vorschriftenlage immer kurzfristiger -geändert wird und zwischenzeitlich alle privaten VErsammlungen mindestens 72 Tage vor dem Veranstaltungstermin angemeldet werden müssen, ist dies alles den Ownern nicht
Page: Kentucky
Page Header Event Stacking Event Stacking refers to holding multiple events that are in close proximity to each other and are at the same/overlapping time with the intent of the same audience attending. Events are social gatherings of geocachers, holding
Page: Kontaktdaten der Naturschutz- und Bergbaubehörden in Thüringen
Thüringer Landesanstalt für Umwelt und Geologie Thüringer Landesbergamt Nationalpark Hainich Jens Wilhelm Revierleiter Kindel Nationalpark Hainich Bei der Marktkirche 9 99947 Bad Langensalza Fax 036923


Page: Latvia & Lithuania
Page Header Table of Contents Disabling caches for winter: Some caches might be unavailable at winter or bird nesting season. If you own such a cache, please indicate this in description, use proper attributes and inform about reason of disabling in "disa
Page: Legislação
3.g Zonas de Protecção Especial (ZPE) das Ilhas Berlengas Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 180/2008 REGULAMENTO DO PLANO DE ORDENAMENTO DA RESERVA NATURAL DAS BERLENGAS
Page: Liechtenstein
Page Header Liechtenstein wird von den Reviewern gemeinsam mit der Schweiz bearbeitet, entsprechend gilt die Wiki Seite für die Schweiz auch für Liechte
Page: List of Areas of Special Scientific Interest
This page is a list of the ASSI's on the Isle of Man and to record their transfer to digital form. ASSI's are shown on the IoM Government website here Each are will be created as a single KML file but will eventually be rolled in
Page: Locations in Minnesota that need Permission, Permits, or where Geocaching is Prohibited
Page Contents: Click on links for additional information Aitkin County Aitkin County requires that permission be obtained in writing before placement of caches on Aitkin County Lands. You can contact Rich Courtemanche at
Page: Louisiana
Page Header Table of Contents General Information This page contains specific geocaching land management policies for Louisiana. Naturally all other guidelines, including obtaining adequate permission for any geocache
Page: Luxembourg
Page Header Neben den generellen Guidelines und dem Terms of Use Agreement gibt es für Geocaches in Luxemburg noch zusätzliche Regelungen für speziell


Page: MAGIC Map
Introduction Multi Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside. This government sponsored map allows you to view detailed maps of the UK and overlay on them various colored layers of land areas where permission to place caches is required. It is a v
Page: Maine
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if information is available. Androscoggin Land Trust Appalachian Trail Conservancy
Page: Malta
Malta hija riveduta mit-tim tar-reviżjoni Taljan, għalhekk il-politiki reġjonali Taljani huma applikati. Tista' ssibhom hawn
Page: Manitoba
Page Header Edit Notes: Edited January 10, 2021. Updated links to Provincial and National Parks policies. Manitoba Provincial Parks Geocaches placed within a Manitoba Provincial Park require the Park Manager's permission. Manitoba Provincial Parks geocach
Page: Maryland
Page Header Table of Contents This page was last 2/01/2024 Hosting a Geocaching Event in Maryland (Event Stacking) Event Stacking refers to holding multiple events that are in close proximity to each other and are at the same/overlapping time with intent
Page: Massachusetts
This page contains specific geocaching land management policies for Massachusetts, naturally all other guidelines, including obtaining adequate permission for any geocache placement
Page: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Aktuelles Maßnahmen aufgrund des COVID-19-Virus in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Hier findet ihr den aktuellen Stand der Corona-Verordnung: https://www.regie
Page: Mexico
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if there is information available. Igolwan, BestReview
Page: Michigan
Page Header Table of Contents The biggest issues that prevent a cache from being published: 1. Proximity Putting your cache too near an existing cache. This includes stages of other multi caches and solutions to other puzzle caches. Guidelines require 528
Page: Michigan DNR Lands
Page Contents: Michigan Department of Natural Resources - Geocaching Agreement Through a partnership between the Michigan DNR and the Michigan Geocaching Organization (MiGO), a partnership has been reached concerning the seeking and placement of geocaches
Page: Middle East
Page Header Middle East About This GuideCreative Commons License
Page: Middle East and the Arabian Gulf
Page Header Countries included in this Regional Guideline include the following but not limited to:- Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, KSA, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Syria, UAE and Yemin Caching in the Middle East is a unique exper
Page: Ministry of Defence Estate
The Ministry of Defence own and lease a lot of land in the UK and much of it is used for military training exercises. In many places these ranges and training areas are also open to the public and have public rights of way across them. These areas are ind
Page: Minnesota
This Guide is maintained by the Minnesota Reviewers listed to the right -------→ If you need to contact a Reviewer, please use the Email link on their profile page, not the Message system. General Information When will my Geocache be published? In Minnes
Page: Minnesota County Land Maps
State Reference
Page: Mississippi
Page Header Table of Contents General Information This page contains specific geocaching land management policies for Mississippi. Naturally all other guidelines, including obtaining adequate permission for any geocach
Page: Missouri
This is a Work in Progress check back often. YOU can help by sending any reviewer new or changed policy info you come across. welcome-to-missouri-vintage-rusty-metal-sign-vector-28314912.jpg
Page: Montana
National Wildlife Refuges All areas within the boundaries of all National Wildlife Refuge areas located in Oregon are off limits to all geocaches and geocaching activities. Maps of these areas (for the entire US System) may be found here: https://gis-fws
Page: Montenegro
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if there is information available. Cenarius, ArsenLupiga
Page: Mystery Caches - Rätsellösungen und Geochecker
Für zur Überprüfung und Veröffentlichung eingereichte Mystery Caches gilt: Rätsellösung Für Puzzle/Unknown/Mystery-Caches ist es erforderlich, in einer Reviewer-Note die Lösung des Rätsels bzw. einen nachvollziehbaren Lösungsweg, wie man die Final-Koordin
Page: Münster
Die Stadt Münster hat momentan folgende offizielle Meinung zu Geocaches: Seitens der Stadt Münster wird das Auslegen von Geocaches auf städtischen Flächen geduldet, sofern keine Schäden verursacht werden und es keine verkehrlichen oder sonstigen Probleme


Page: Nationalpark Eifel
Im Nationalpark Eifel ist Geocaching grundsätzlich möglich und erwünscht, sofern die dort geltenden Regeln eingehalten werden. Die wichtigsten Regeln für's Verstecken sind: An geeigneten Stellen entlang öffentlicher Straßen (mindestens ein Fuß muss immer
Page: Nationalpark Müritz
Das Verstecken von Geocaches im Nationalpark Müritz Liebe Cacher rund um die Müritz, das Nationalparkamt des Müritznationalparks ist an uns herangetreten, da das Geocaching doch zu einem immer sichtbareren Hobby wird. Darum ist es wichtig, daß wir gemeins
Page: Natural Resources Wales
Natural Resources Wales is the government body that oversees the natural resources in Wales and includes scheduling important sites giving them legal protection in law. Among these are Local Nature Reserves (LNR), National Nature Reserves (NNR), Sites of
Page: Nature Reserves and Sites of Special Scientific Interest
Geocaches are placed so that plant and animal life are safe from both intentional and unintentional harm. In some regions geocaching activity may need to cease for portions of the year due to sensitivity of some species. Introduction In the UK there are n
Page: Nebraska
Page Header Table of Contents Geocaching at Nebraska State Park Areas Geocaching, also known as GPS Stash Hunt or GeoStash, involves "hiding" items, usually containers holding various "treasures" and then providing specific Global Positioning Satellite (G
Page: Netherlands
Page Header Aanvullende regionale richtlijnen Welkom op onze aanvullende regionale richtlijnen pagina voor Nederland Huidige Reviewers voor Nederland zijn Huidige EarthCache Reviewers voor Nederland the 12th Man
Page: Nevada
Table of Contents National Parks All areas within the boundaries of National Parks located in Nevada are off limits to all geocaches and geocaching activities. These parks include: Great Basin National Park Great Basin National Monument Death Valley Natio
Page: New Brunswick
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if information is available. Cache-Tech EarthCaches: geoawareCA
Page: New Hampshire
Page Header Geocaching Restrictions for New Hampshire Should you plan on placing a cache in one of the following areas (if allowed), please ensure you follow their requests prior to submitting the cache. Local town / city parks - Contact you local town or
Page: New Jersey
Page Header Table of Contents Bergen County - Celery Farm Nature Preserve No caches are allowed on land managed by the Celery Farm Nature Preserve and/or The Fyke Nature Association. Cemeteries While cemetery caches are fine, we are very careful about lis
Page: New Mexico
The following information is for public lands within New Mexico where there are specific concerns relating to geocaching. This list is not all inclusive. Keep in mind that when selecting a location for a geocache (public or private), it is always up to th
Page: New South Wales
NSW Reviewer Ngaambul About This Guide Landowner Information NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) allow the placing of geoca
Page: New York
Page Header Table of Contents Residential Property Caches on residential property need clear permission from the home owner, and the cache description should indicate that permission has been granted by the home owner. You don't need to indicate if you a
Page: New Zealand
Table of Contents; Updated 14/5/2023 Visiting New Zealand to geocache? COVID 19 Kauri Dieback RĀHUI Christchurch Flat Lands Residential Red Zone. Power boxes, Utility Boxes and Phone Booths NZTA and local road structures Visiting New Zealand to geocache?
Page: Newfoundland and Labrador
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if information is available. Cache-Tech EarthCaches: geoawareCA
Page: Niedersachsen
Besucht bitte die zusammgefasste Seite des Norddeutschen Reviewerteams UsageGuidelines
Page: Norddeutschland
Aktive Reviewer Im Team Nord (alphabetisch sortiert) Reviewername 2RaumBulli GerandKat Hans-Grete http://www.geocachi
Page: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Stand: 12.10.2023 Landesweite Regelungen (NRW) NRW Ansprechpartner Erlaubnis Fledermausschutzzeit NRW Verhalten im Wald GPS Nutzung Adventure Lab Caches & Bonus Cache für Adventure Lab Geocaching Events & Eventstacking
Page: North America
Page Header North America About This GuideCreative Commons License
Page: North Carolina
Page Header Table of Contents Update on Special Coronavirus Information effective April 6, 2021 Dear North Carolina Caching Community, We feel that it’s time to update the caching community again - both cache owners and the folks searching - regarding cha
Page: North Dakota
North Dakota State Parks Effective January 2011, the geocaching policy in all North Dakota State Parks is that the park manager or designated park employee owns and manages the geocaches within that particular State Park. Individual geocache ownership is
Page: North Korea
Page Header No Geocaching in North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)) Geocaching with a GPS is not possible in North Korea. Geocaching activity can't take place inside the DPRK because its not open to all geocachers. North Korea Reviewer
Page: Northern Territory
PLACING GEOCACHES - COVID-19 - Northern Territory There are currently no Covid-19 restrictions on placing caches in NT. Events are being published, and attendees must follow venue protocols which may apply. Area Where Special Conditions Apply Kakadu Nati
Page: Northwest Territories
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if information is available. Cache-Tech EarthCaches: geoawareCA
Page: Norway
Page Header About This Guide Makuta Teridax, protea sangomas, Hexa Nomos, Poltrona Polaris, NonaNorwegianAdiutor Innhold Ret
Page: Nova Scotia
For more information, please contact the Nova Scotia reviewer using the link on the right Canadian EarthCache info can be found on the Canadian EarthCache Wiki Page
Page: NRW Ansprechpartner Erlaubnis
Für welche Geocaches brauche ich eine Erlaubnis? Grundsätzlich braucht jeder Cache eine Erlaubnis. Aus den Guidelines: Mit Einreichen eines Cachelistings versichert Du uns, dass Du eine entsprechende Erlaubnis hast, den Cache in dem gewählten Gebiet zu ve
Page: NSG Bilstein - Rosenberg
Im Naturschutzgebiet "Bilstein / Rosenberg" in Nordrhein-Westfalen ist laut dem Amtsblatt für den Regierungsbezirk Arnsberg, Ausgabe 46 vom 19.11.2011 das Ausüben von Geocaching verbo
Page: NSG Ochsenholz
Im Naturschutzgebiet "Ochsenholz" in Nordrhein-Westfalen ist laut dem Amtsblatt für den Regierungsbezirk Arnsberg, Ausgabe 36 vom 08.09.2012 das Ausüben von Geocaching verboten. Dies
Page: Nunavut
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if information is available. Cache-Tech EarthCaches: geoawareCA


Page: Oceania
Can I hide a cache while on vacation? It’s not recommended We recommend that you do not hide a geocache while traveling. Vacation/holiday caches are usually not published. Geocache owners must visit their caches to maintain them
Page: Ohio
Page Header Table of Contents COVID-19 Updates for Ohio Guidance on New Cache Publications - UPDATED 6/9/2021 The Ohio Community Volunteer Reviewers are pleased to publish event caches of all types again, because there are presently no governmental restri
Page: Oklahoma
Page Header Table of Contents Oklahoma State Parks A geocache permit is required for all Oklahoma State Parks. The permits are issued locally at each state park office or visitor's center. The permit number should be added to the Description section of th
Page: Ontario
Regional Geocaching Policies Wiki All geocachers should follow the Geocaching Guidelines The Guidelines are supported with detailed articles that are found in the Geocaching Help Centre https://www.geocaching.c
Page: Oregon
Table of Contents National Wilderness Areas All areas within the boundaries of all National Wilderness Areas located in Oregon are off limits to all geocaches and geocaching activities – with the exception of the Oregon Badlands Wilderness Area. The Orego


Page: Page Header
Regional Geocaching Policies Wiki.png
Page: Parks Canada
Page Header To reach the Parks Canada website, click here Parks Canada Parcs Canada Visitor Activity Guidelines Lignes directrices pour les activités aux visiteurs GEOCACHING GÉOCACHETTE Date of
Page: PastMap
Introduction The PastMap lets you find and view historical and archaeological sites in Scotland. It will show you both the area of the site and name as well as a link to Historical Scotland where you'll get more detail including information that will help
Page: Pencelli Estate, Bannau Brycheiniog (Brecon Beacons) National Park
Geocaches are allowed within the Pencelli Estate but you must apply to the estate management for permission first and give them details of where the cache is located. You must also comply with all Geocache Listing Requirements / Guidelines https://www.geo
Page: Pennsylvania
Page Header Table of Contents Statewide Challenges The guidelines don't specify from what area "plenty of qualifying caches" is. For the purposes of this state, consider 500 miles to be a reasonable ending spot for the majority of challenges in regards to
Page: Poland
Page Header About This Guide 1. Podstawowe adresy Większość informacji potrzebnych ci do zakładania i szukania skrytek znajdziesz na stronach pomocy na stronach Wytyczne / Wymogi publikacji skrytek geocache
Page: Portugal
Page Header Índice de conteúdos Linhas de Orientação para a Colocação de uma Cache 1. Gerais Antes de colocar e submeter toda e qualquer geocache, por favor leia as seguintes regras para que a sua geocache p
Page: Portugal - Earthcaching
(this page is also available in English) Distanciamento entre caches: Em Portugal adopta-se o distanciamento mínimo de 30m (trinta metros) entre EarthCaches e outras caches. Isto evita que os ícones fiquem sobrepostos e “escondidos” quando se abre o mapa
Page: Portugal - Earthcaching (English Version)
(esta página também está disponível em português) Distance between caches: In Portugal, a minimum distance of 30 m (thirty meters) is required between EarthCaches and other caches. This prevents the icons from overlapping and being “hidden” when opening t
Page: Prince Edward Island
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if information is available. Cache-Tech EarthCaches: geoawareCA
Page: Puerto Rico
PuertoRicoFlagAnimatedFlagGIF.gif Geocaching HQ encourages geocachers to find at least 20 geocaches before setting out to hide their own geocache. The greater variety of geocaches that someone finds, the better they will understand how to create an enjoya


Page: Quebec
Page Header Pour plus d'information, SVP contacter les réviseurs pour le Québec en utilisant les liens à droite For more information, please contact the Quebec reviewers using the links on the right Mises à jour COVID-19 Il est important de suivre toutes
Page: Queensland
Page Header General: QLD is reviewed by Jingeri We ask that you read the detail below and the rest of the guidelines prior to hiding your geocache. National Parks and State Forests QPWS allow Geocaching


Page: RCAHMW map
Page Header The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales (RCAHMW) map shows details of the sites but doesn't given a clear boundary of the scheduled area (within which you would need permission for your cache). Use the Lle Geo-Por
Page: Regionale regels rond om events
Wil je een meerdaags of mega event organiseren zoek dan vooraf contact met de reviewers Dit om je plannen te bespreken en zo te zien of het allemaal haalbaar is wat jullie met het event willen. Dit kan een hoop rompslomp schelen bij de review van het even
Page: Reviewers voor Nederland
the 12th Man, Diogeones, Penelope, Westpointer
Page: Rheinland-Pfalz
Dr. Zarkov John_Koenig (Reaper) Rummelmatz
Page: Rhode Island
Page Header Table of Contents Audubon Society of Rhode Island The Audubon Society of Rhode Island does not permit geocaching on their lands. Please see their web site here: Bl
Page: Romania
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if there is information available. garu About This Guide Creative Commons License
Page: Russia
Особые ситуации Территории с ограниченным доступом Допускаются тайники на территориях, открытых лишь в определенное время года или суток (например, городской парк, запертый в ночное время). Владельцу тайника рекомендуется установить соответствующий атрибу


Page: Saarland
Dr. Zarkov John_Koenig (Reaper) Rummelmatz
Page: Sachsen
Inhalt Zuständigkeiten Reviewer Profil Mail alternative Kontaktmöglichkeit Amy Farrah Fowler mailto:amyfarrahfowler.g
Page: Sachsen-Anhalt
Allgemein Für das Bundesland Sachsen-Anhalt sind folgende Reviewer zuständig: Generell: Lacrimalis silent observer Aufräumen - für Archivierung von dauerh
Page: Saskatchewan
Page Header Edit Notes: Edited January 10, 2021. Updated links to National Parks policy. Saskatchewan National Parks: Be aware that geocaching in National Parks within the province are govered by Parks Canada and there are very strict and specific requi
Page: Schleswig-Holstein
Besucht bitte die zusammgefasste Seite des Norddeutschen Reviewerteams UsageGuidelines
Page: Scottish Natural Heritage SNH
Introduction Caches in nature reserves or Sites of Special Scientific Interest in the UK must have permission. The SNH is the government body that oversees the natural resources in Scotland and includes scheduling important sites giving them legal protect
Page: Serbia
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if there is information available. Cenarius, ArsenLupiga
Page: Skapa en granskningsanteckning / Reviewer Note
Hur vi kommunicerar under granskning av en geocache När vi finner något som behöver åtgärdas med er cache innan vi kan publicera den kommer vi att skicka en granskningsanteckning och berätta vad som behöver göras. Vi kommer be er svara på samma sätt. På s
Page: Slovakia
Page Header Obsah / Table of Contents NEWS / AKTUALITY Follow news / Sleduj novinky: Facebook - RevieweriSK ---- Základné odkazy Pravidlá pre ukrývanie kešiek (Geocache hiding guidelines
Page: Slovenia
Cenarius - celotna Slovenija ( GeoAwareSI - celotna Slovenija (geoawaresi.reviewer@
Page: Somerset Wildlife Trust
Guidelines for hiding a geocache The following guidelines must be followed. Any Geocacher wishing to place a geocache on a Green Status SWT Reserve, must email, stating the location in
Page: South America
Page Header South America About This Guide Creative Commons License
Page: South America, at large
Can I hide a cache while on vacation? It’s not recommended We recommend that you do not hide a geocache while traveling. Vacation/holiday caches are usually not published. Geocache owners must visit their caches to maintain them
Page: South Australia
Page Header Content 1) Current status of publication due to Covid 2) Cache publication in Parks on Kangaroo Island 3) Marine Parks in South Australia 4) Mine Shafts in the Goldfields 5) Legislation for crossing a road 6) Cache placement in areas manage
Page: South Carolina
Table of Contents Beaufort County Passive Parks Beaufort County Passive Parks requires a permit prior to the placement of geocaches. The exact location of a cache must be pre-approved by park management. See the Passive Parks Manager for details and app
Page: South Dakota
able of Contents Black Hills National Forest The Black Hills National Forest allows geocaching within its boundaries. Be aware that there are patches of private land scattered throughout the Black Hills, and as such those areas need permission from the
Page: South Korea
South Korea image-2023-4-13_19-44-45.png Geocaching HQ encourages geocachers to find at least 20 geocaches before setting out to hide their own. The greater the variety of geocaches that someone finds, the better they will understand how to create an enjo
Page: Spain and Andorra
Page Header Table of Contents Directrices Locales para España y Andorra Las directrices que podréis leer a continuación desarrolladas por el equipo de revisores de España y Andorra, son una expansión de la normativa oficial de con un sesgo
Page: Stadt Kamen
Die Stadtverwaltung Kamen duldet Geocaches, wenn folgende Regeln eingehalten werden: Das Auslegen und Verstecken von Geocaches auf öffentlichen und für jedermann frei zugänglichen Flächen im Eigentum der Stadt Kamen wird grundsätzlich geduldet, sofern kei
Page: Svalbard & Jan Mayen
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if there is information available. Makuta Teridax About This Guide Creative Commons License
Page: Sweden
Toa Norik Kraata-Kal Makuta Icarax
Page: Switzerland
Page Header Land Caches Events Schweiz werden aktuell publiziert werden aktuell publiziert Liechtenstein werden aktuell publiziert werden aktuell publiziert


Page: Taiwan
Geocaching HQ encourages geocachers to find at least 20 geocaches before setting out to hide their own geocache. The greater variety of geocaches that someone finds, the better they will understand how to create an enjoyable experience for other geocacher
Page: Taken en plichten na publicatie
Cache-eigenaar De cache-eigenaar is verantwoordelijk voor het onderhoud van de cache. Daarnaast dient de cache-eigenaar er voor te zorgen dat de cache aan de richtlijnen blijft voldoen. Minimale aanpassingen op de cachepagina zijn toegestaan, bijvoorbeeld
Page: Tasmania
Page Header Hiding geocaches on highway bridges, or other state infrastructure is not allowed in Tasmania. Following a query during 2019, the following information was provided by DSG. "Section 16, Subsection (1) of the Roads and Jetties Act 1935 states
Page: Tennessee
Page Header Table of Contents General Information This page contains specific geocaching land management policies for Tennessee, naturally all other guidelines, including obtaining adequate permission for any geocache placement, apply. Thi
Page: Texas
Page Header Table of Contents Trespassing Laws (Purple Paint) Texas originated the use of a stripe of purple paint as a legal substitute for a posted No Trespassing sign. This allows for a quick and inexpensive method of posting large areas of land. If yo
Page: Thüringen
Zuständigkeiten und Erreichbarkeiten in Thüringen Für das Bundesland Thüringen sind folgende Reviewer zuständig Lacrimalis silent observer Reaper - für Ar
Page: Tips för att underlätta publicering av nya earthcacher
This page in English letTheEarthBeYourTeacher_wSignal2.png 1) Fyra grundläggande tips. a) Förklara och visa upp den lokala geologin. En earthcache måste visa upp och beskriva den lokala
Page: Tips how to get your new EarthCache approved faster
Denna sida på svenska letTheEarthBeYourTeacher_wSignal2.png 1) Four essential tips. a) Explain and show the local geology. An EarthCache must show and describe the local geology at the location of the cache coordinates, it must describe what the visitor w
Page: Tips voor een snelle review
Checklist Om je cache zonder te veel opmerkingen door de review te krijgen hebben wij een checklist gemaakt die je kan raadplegen. De checklist vind je hier Kaarten om te raadplegen Om toestemming te kunnen regelen voor het mogen plaatsen van een geocache
Page: Turkey
Page Header Içerik / Table of Contents Okul ve Oyun Alanlari / Schools and Playgrounds Bir okul alaninda veya yakinindaki saklamalara güvenlik nedeniyle izin verilmemektedir. Okul civarlarinda arama yapan Geocaching oyunculari süphe çekebilir ve güvenlik


Page: UK Regional Map
Regions of the UK and Ireland When you create a cache page there is a drop down box to select the country and region the cache is placed in. Use this map to check which region your cache is located in. It is based on county borders except for London which
Page: Ukraine
Page Header Regional Guidelines for Ukraine. Locations where Geocaching is limited or restricted Chernobyl Placement of new caches & management of existing ones in the zone of Chernobyl is limited. All activities related with Geocaching are reviewed conti
Page: United Kingdom
Page Header Search this Wiki, enter any text or the name of a landowner, for example magic or national trust Table of Contents Guidelines and Help UK Regional Map showing boundaries Mapping resources MAGIC Map and other woodland/nature maps. Google maps
Page: United Kingdom Land Areas
Page Header Protected Land Area Database This database has details of land areas where specific permission is required or where caching is not allowed. Mapping resources are shown. The most useful is MAGIC and there is a very useful link called MagicMapIt
Page: United Kingdom Landowner Agreements
Groundspeak respects the wishes of land managers and land owners. The rules listed below are their rules, belonging neither to the reviewers nor to Groundspeak. Responsibility for meeting these rules rests with the cache owner and responsibility for enfor
Page: United Kingdom Other Land Areas
Other land areas or specific locations where permission may required or caching is not allowed This database contains a list of land areas where permission may be required or where caching is not allowed. Click the Area column to sort alphabetically. Cach
Page: United Kingdom Reviewers
United Kingdom Reviewers Dalesman (Yorkshire), GizmoKyla (South Wales, South West England and East Midlands), Hanoosh http:
Page: United States
Regional Geocaching Policies Wiki.png United States vents About This Guide Creative Commons License
Page: Untere Naturschutzbehörden
LK / Stadt Anschrift Telefon FAX GC-Profil Altmarkkreis Salzwedel Karl-Marx-Str. 32 29410 Salzwedel 0 39 01 - 84 04 70 0 39 01 - 2 50 79 Anhalt-Bitterfeld Am Flugplatz 1 06366 Köt
Page: Utah
Page Header Table of Contents BlueRajah Punk Rock Girl About This Guide Creat


Page: Verhalten im Wald
Der Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz NRW gibt auf seinen Webseiten einen Überblick zu richtigem Verhalten im Wald. Insbesondere gibt es auch für Geocacher eine Liste häufig gestellter Fragen und Antworten:
Page: Vermont
Page Header Should you plan on placing a cache in one of the following areas (if allowed), please ensure you follow their requests prior to submitting the cache. Index: | VT State Parks | VT State Forests | Town Forest | Conservation/Wildlife Areas | Wate
Page: Victoria
Page: Virginia
Page Header Table of Contents Applachian Trial There is a current moratorium on caching on the Appalachian Trail. This is because most of the Appalachian Trail is on property under the stewardship of the National Parks Service (NPS) which does not allow g
Page: Vlaanderen
Inhoudsopgave Richtlijnen Aandachtspunten listings Vlaanderen Vlaanderen Kaarten Vlaanderen Doorzoek deze Wiki pagina, vul elke tekst in of de naam van een gebiedsbeheerder, bijvoorbeeld Natuurpunt Richtlijnen De Richtlijnen en de artikelen in het Help Ce
Page: Vlaanderen - County Rules
Algemene info Hieronder vind je een lijst van de geocaching richtlijnen in alle Vlaamse gemeentes. De gemeentes werden ingedeeld in 4 categorieën: Vrije plaatsing Geocaches mogen in deze gemeentes zonder toestemming geplaatst worden. Je hoeft de gemeente


Page: Wahnbachtalsperrenverband
Der Wahnbachtalsperrenverband betreibt drei Anlagen zur Trinkwassergewinnung: Wahnbachtalsperre Hennefer Siegbogen Augustin-Meindorf Für diese Anlagen sind Wasserschutzgebiete in verschiedenen Zonen eingerichtet. Der Wahnbachtalsperrenverband steht dem Ge
Page: Wallonie - including Brussels-Capital Region and German-speaking Community
épartement Les caches dans les provinces/régions/"states" (au sens du menu déroulant sur le formulaire de création des caches) "Brabant Wallon", "Brussels", "Hainaut", "Liège", ""Luxembourg", et "Namur" sont révisées par la même équipe des reviewers que p
Page: Washington
Page Header Covid-19 Restrictions: Caches Caches are being published normally in Washington state with no covid restrictions. Events Now that Washington has "Reopened" events are being published without any covid restrictions. Table of Contents Geocaching
Page: Waypoints toevoegen aan je pagina
How to add waypoint 1.1.png How to add waypoint 1.2.png
Page: West Virginia
Event Stacking Event Stacking refers to holding multiple events that are in close proximity to each other and are at the same/overlapping time with the intent of the same audience attending. Events are social gatherings of geocachers, holding too many in
Page: Western Australia
Page Header Restrictions Apply in Some Regional Areas. Kings Park, Bold Park Geocaches placed in Kings Park or Bold Park, or the smaller park south of Bold Park bounded by Rochdale Road, Biara Gardens, Whitney Cres and houses to the east, need explicit pe
Page: Wherigo Caches
Guidelines für Wherigo Caches: guidelines Im Help Center gibt es weitere Informationen zum Suchen und zum Erstellen von Wherig
Page: Why your cache may not be published
When you submit a cache, the reviewer goes through it and publishes it on the website. If there are any problems with it and it can't initially be published the reviewer will write a log telling you what needs to be fixed. You can get your
Home page: Wiki For Regional Geocaching Policies
Page Header About This Guide The local laws and guidelines for geocaching placement vary from place to place. As community reviewers learn geocache placement policies for a certain location, they can add it here. This site may not be a complete or accurat
Page: Wisconsin
*** What follows is a listing of local rules and requirements for the state of Wisconsin. This list is not all inclusive. It is up to you to obtain the required permission for every hide. General: School property is off limits. You must be at least 150 fe
Page: Wyoming
Page Header Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Wyoming COVID-19 Publishing and Events WDH Guidance for Large Indoor Events CDC Guidance and Consid



Page: Yukon Territory
Page Header Table of Contents Contact regional reviewers to see if information is available. Cache-Tech EarthCaches: geoawareCA


Page: Zuständigkeitsbereiche der Reviewerinnen und Reviewer
Aufgrund der Größe und der teilweise unterschiedlichen regionalen Regelungen werden Geocaches in Deutschland nach Bundesländern aufgeteilt reviewt. Für (fast) jedes Bundesland sind mehrere Reviewer zuständig. Anhand der folgenden Tabelle kannst du Ansprec


Geocaching at Nebraska State Park Areas

Geocaching, also known as GPS Stash Hunt or GeoStash, involves "hiding" items, usually containers holding various "treasures" and then providing specific Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) coordinates for each "cache" on a web site. Visitors to these web sites can choose which "cache" they would like to locate using their own personal GPS. Cache searchers typically bring along their own "treasures" and make an exchange once the cache has been located.

Virtual Caching involves locating not a cache, but a specific landmark, feature, park sign, etc. These should be encouraged at State Parks and Recreation Areas in lieu of physical caches. However, neither geocaching nor virtual caching will be permitted at Nebraska State Historical Parks.

Procedures concerning geocaching in Nebraska State Parks and Recreation Areas are as follows:


  1. Placement of a cache on Parks property must be secured with a Special Occasion Permit.

  2. The person applying for a permit must provide a valid address, telephone number, email address, vehicle license number, and the web site address on which the cache will be posted.

  3. The location of the cache must be pre-approved by the Park Superintendent whose main concern will be public safety and the prevention of undesirable impacts to natural and cultural resources. Superintendent will advise of any off limits areas, other permitted caches and possible proscribed burn areas for the calendar year.

  4. Once the cache is placed, the applicant is to return to the facility office to record the exact cache location, including GPS coordinates, which will be added to the permit. Applicants are encouraged to include an explanation of "Geocaching" in the cache for non-participants.

  5. All permits will be in effect for the calendar year. A new permit will be applied for and authorized each year. NOTE: If, during the effective period of a permit, a permit holder wants to change the location of the cache, a new permit must be issued and the effective permit cancelled.

  6. Upon expiration of a permit, the permit holder is responsible for removing the cache and for removing the cache location from all web sites and any information source.

  7. If the permit holder fails to remove the cache, it will be removed by park staff and held for ten (10) days, after which staff will dispose of the cache. Confiscation and disposal by park staff will be recorded in an incident report.


  1. Cache containers must be non-breakable, waterproof and have some form of latch or other closing mechanism to prohibit content exposure to wildlife.

  2. Caches may not contain inappropriate or dangerous items. Such items include, but are not limited to, food, medications, personal/hygiene products, pornography, weapons of any type, etc. Log books are encouraged in Nebraska State Parks caches in lieu of exchange items.

  3. All caches are subject to random inspection by Park Superintendents. Park staff have the authority to immediately remove any item held in a cache deemed unacceptable.

  4. Non-permitted caches will be removed by area staff and held. An attempt will be made to locate the cache owner. If the cache is not claimed in 30 days, area staff will dispose of the cache.


  1. The location of a cache must be pre-approved by the Park Superintendent.

  2. Physical caches are prohibited inside any state park facility or structure.

  3. Caches may not be placed in locations that may lead to the creation of spur trails.

  4. Caches may not be placed in dangerous, inappropriate, or protected areas and habitats, on cliffs, underground, or underwater.

  5. No digging is permitted. Caches cannot be buried, nor may soil, vegetation or stones be disturbed to place a cache.


  1. The use of metal detectors in cache searches is expressly prohibited.

  2. If geocaching activities as a whole are found to have a negative impact on park resources or if safety becomes an issue in geocache searches, the Park Superintendent may ban geocaching from certain areas or from the entire park.

  3. Failure to comply with park guidelines will result in the revocation of effective geocaching permits. Continued failure to comply with these guidelines will prevent the issuance of any further geocaching permits to the non-compliant group or individual.

  4. Geocachers are reminded a Nebraska Park Entry Permit is required on all licensed motor vehicles entering state park and recreation areas.

Nebraska Reviewers

About This Guide

The local laws and guidelines for geocaching placement vary from place to place. As community reviewers learn geocache placement policies for a certain location, they can add it here. This site may not be a complete or accurate list of land policies. These policies are made by the land owner or manager, they are neither the reviewer’s nor Geocaching HQ’s. This guide is just for reference, if no policies for the area you’re looking for are listed, that doesn't mean no policies exist. You must still obtain permission to place your geocache from the landowner or land manager,comply with all applicable laws, and follow the Geocaching Listing Requirements.

If you have an update, email the community reviewer(s) listed.

This work is licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

 If you contribute to this wiki, you agree to provide permission to others under this license.

If you share information from this site, you must mention "These regional land policies came from the Public Wiki and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No-Derivatives 4.0 International License."

 And, you agree to keep content current by checking back regularly for updates.



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