Portugal - Earthcaching (English Version)

Portugal - Earthcaching (English Version)

(esta página também está disponível em português)

Distance between caches:

In Portugal, a minimum distance of 30 m (thirty meters) is required between EarthCaches and other caches. This prevents the icons from overlapping and being “hidden” when opening the cache map.

Distance between themes/subjects:

The minimum distance between identical or similar themes/subjects is 30 km (thirty kilometres) in a straight line.

Prohibited EarthCaches Themes:

Given the saturation and repetition of themes and based on the fact that new EarthCaches will not bring any educational added value, the following themes are not considered for new EarthCache submissions:

  1. Prismatic disjunction in basic rocks (especially in the volcanic islands of the Azores and Madeira)
  2. Fajãs and lava deltas
  3. Potholes, sinks, gnamma pits,
  4. Tafoni
  5. Portuguese sidewalk or variants thereof
  6. River meanders
  7. River deltas
  8. Confluence of rivers or streams
  9. Thermal and mineral water springs
  10. Fossils in man-made structures

Other limitations:

In compliance with GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation and respecting each others right to preserve their online identity and privacy, requesting photographs in cache logs to identify a cacher is not allowed.

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