

Delaware Reviewer

Table of Contents


The guidelines don't specify from what area "plenty of qualifying caches" is. For the purposes of this state, consider 500 miles to be a reasonable ending spot for the majority of challenges in regards to "plenty of qualifying caches".  This does not mean that all challenge caches will have a max of 500 miles or it will be applied to every challenge but if we have concerns, that will be the distance we will use.

Delaware State Forests

Geocaching is prohibited in Delaware's state forests.  See section 5.10 of the State Forest Regulations.

Section 5.10 Regulation

Delaware State Parks

Caches in State Parks must have a permit from the park. Information about their geocaching policy can be found at this link.

Permit: Delaware Geocache Permit

Use the "placed with permission" logo, approved by DCNR, on your cache page. The html that you should copy and paste into your cache description is

<br><img src="http://img.geocaching.com/cache/a6164016-204a-48da-a03c-e7ffdc46db9c.jpg">

And it will look like what you see here.     

Delaware State Wildlife Properties

The DNREC, Division of Fish & Wildlife has enacted a policy regulating geocache placements in State Wildlife properties.

DNREC's Geocaching Policy 3900 8.8

DF&W Property maps

DNREC Geocache Permit Application

National Park Service

NPS managed land in Delaware are off-limits to geocache placements (virtual or physical) without a special usage permit.  Visit Link For Locations

Special Note: First State National Historical Park was created in 2013 from donated lands.  Some of these lands already had caches on them.  We will be considering these geocaches grandfathered (allowed to stay in their locations) until we hear from the NPS asking us to remove them.  However, we will not be publishing any new ones on these lands without their permissions. NPS Maps of First State National Historical Park

National Wildlife Refuges

In Delaware are off-limits to physical geocache placements. Visit Link For Locations

Right of Way (ROW)

In Delaware, any area that requires a permit or is off limits, the right of way in that area will extend to the middle of a roadway.  For example, an east/west road with permitted land on the north, a cache would not be allowed to be on the north side of the road.  If there was a park on north and south, both sides of the roads would be off limits to caches.  Right of way is an easement for municipality use and travel, not for a caching exception.

General Legal Information

About This Guide

The local laws and guidelines for geocaching placement vary from place to place. As community reviewers learn geocache placement policies for a certain location, they can add it here. This site may not be a complete or accurate list of land policies. These policies are made by the land owner or manager, they are neither the reviewer’s nor Geocaching HQ’s. This guide is just for reference, if no policies for the area you’re looking for are listed, that doesn't mean no policies exist. You must still obtain permission to place your geocache from the landowner or land manager,comply with all applicable laws, and follow the Geocaching Listing Requirements.

If you have an update, email the community reviewer(s) listed.

This work is licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

 If you contribute to this wiki, you agree to provide permission to others under this license.

If you share information from this site, you must mention "These regional land policies came from the Geocaching.com Public Wiki and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No-Derivatives 4.0 International License."

 And, you agree to keep content current by checking back regularly for updates.



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