List of Areas of Special Scientific Interest

List of Areas of Special Scientific Interest

This page is a list of the ASSI's on the Isle of Man and to record their transfer to digital form. ASSI's are shown on the IoM Government website here.

Each are will be created as a single KML file but will eventually be rolled into one single one for people to download. The description used in each file is:

Areas of Special Scientific Interest (ASSI) are protected areas scheduled by the Isle of Man government. Caches must have permission from the landowner or land manager before they can be placed in an ASSI. Link to the Isle of Man Geocaching Policies Wikihttps://gcwiki.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GEO/Isle+of+Man#IsleofMan-AreasofSpecialScientificInterest%28ASSI%29

This is the master kml file - iom_assi.kml. As each ASSI is created it's added to this. Note to editors: When you open the file in Notepad++ or Google Earth each ASSI is shown as a separate area.




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