Somerset Wildlife Trust
Somerset Wildlife Trust
Guidelines for hiding a geocache
The following guidelines must be followed.
- Any Geocacher wishing to place a geocache on a Green Status SWT Reserve, must email geocaching@somersetwildlife.org, stating the location in DD MM.MMM format.
- The location will be physically checked by SWT, and permission will be given if that location does no harm to the local ecology or create any access or health and safety issues
- If permission is given, the cache page must state ‘ Permission for this cache given by Somerset Wildlife Trust at www.somersetwildlife.org’. A hyperlink can be used.
- The ‘Note to Reviewer’ should contain the line ‘ Cache placed by permission of the SWT Geocaching Advisor, at geocaching@somersetwildlife.org’
- Cache containers must be made of plastic, with a close-fitting secured lid, and must be larger than 100ml, to avoid swallowing by livestock or wild animals, and must be clearly marked, stating ‘Harmless Geocache’, and a contact email address. The contents are subject to normal geocaching rules (no food, drink, alcohol, dangerous items)
- Caches must not be buried, or placed in animal holes or runs.
- Fake birdboxes, or other boxes that are normally placed for animals, must not be used for caches.
- Caches must not be placed in, or close to, dry stone walls. Locations that are submitted for check that are close to dry stone walls, will probably be refused.
- The cache should be no further than 5m from a marked, or well-used path or trail and in some locations SWT will only grant permission for the placing of caches within 1m from the path to protect sensitive habitats and manage access.
- When leaving the cache site, there must be no signs of disturbance.
- Maintenance of the cache is the responsibility of the Cache Owner (CO).
- SWT are not responsible for any cache that is destroyed, or goes missing
- If the CO becomes aware of an accident to any participant, spectator, or other third party, as a result of the placing of this cache, then SWT must be informed as soon as possible.
- Cachers should be aware that there maybe work being carried out on reserves, and if seen, avoid at all times. Cachers must adhere to any statutory or advisory signs on site.
Hiding a geocache
If you want to hide a geocache then please follow these instructions:
Confirm the reserve is one where caches may be placed (see the lists below)
Get the coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes format DD MM.MMM*
Email geocaching@somersetwildlife.org and include the following information:
- Subject: Geocaching Permission Request
- Your name:
- Name of the reserve.
- Coordinates
When you receive permission please copy the text of the email as a reviewer note when you submit your cache. Please also add to the description, "Cache placed with the kind permission of the Somerset Wildlfe Trust". You may include a link to the SWT website for the particular reserve.
*If you need to convert coordinates this site is very useful - http://boulter.com/gps/
SWT Reserves where geocaching is allowed
SWT reserves where geocaching is not allowed
SWT reserves where geocaching may only be placed by the SWT or a nonimated geocacher
Complete list of SWT reserves
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