


What follows is a listing of local rules and requirements for the state of Wisconsin. This list is not all inclusive. It is up to you to obtain the required permission for every hide.


  • School property is off limits. You must be at least 150 feet from all school property.

  • Playground equipment is off limits. You must be at least 75 feet +/- from all equipment.

  • Cemeteries require explicit permission (even the undeveloped parts). Please be sure to include your permission information (name or title of person granting permission) in your cache description. Also please make a statement in your cache page text letting people know that the hide is not on or near any headstones.

  • Navigational beacons are off limits. U.S. Maritime law states that it is illegal to tamper with or alter navigational devices, including buoys, on any navigable waterway. Private navigational aids are subject to the same restrictions as publicly owned. The laws in question are in 33 CFR parts 66 and 70.

  • Electrical equipment, utility poles, or fire hydrants. Wisconsin reviewers do not knowingly publish caches in these locations unless the owner of that equipment has given explicit, verifiable permission. Please provide the contact information of the person granting permission for this cache (in a reviewer note, please provide the name, title and email address or phone number of the person granting permission) also make a statement on the cache page that permission for the hide has been granted.

Managed areas:

  • All DNR managed property requires a form be filled out. For your cache to be listed, you need to do two things:

1. Submit an official notification form to the DNR at Forest Headquarters. http://dnr.wi.gov/files/PDF/forms/2500/2500-118.pdf  

2. Add the following official boilerplate text indicating the submission to the cache page. This is the text:

“The Geocache Notification Form has been submitted to of the Wisconsin DNR. Geocaches placed on Wisconsin Department of Natural Resource managed lands require permission by means of a notification form. Please print out a paper copy of the notification form, fill in all required information, then submit it to the land manager. The DNR Notification form and land manager information can be obtained at: http://dnr.wi.gov/files/PDF/forms/2500/2500-118.pdf

  • Rest Stops and Waysides require permission. These locations can be difficult to review as some of these areas are managed by the DOT. The DOT does not allow geocaches on their rest stops / waysides. Since it is not always apparent who manages a particular location, we ask that you provide your permission information both on the cache page and in a review note. Please provide the contact information of the person granting permission for this cache (in a reviewer note, please provide the name, title and email address or phone number of the person granting permission) also make a statement on the cache page that permission for the hide has been granted.

  • NPS and US Fish and Wildlife properties are off limits. The US Fish & Wildlife Service does not allow physical geocaches within National Wildlife Refuges or Waterfowl Production Areas. Please remove your containers from this area. If you feel this hide should not comply with their wishes please contact that Refuge's Manager or Project Lead. Geocaching activities must undergo a Compatibility Determination under Acceptable Use for the specific Refuge you are interested in. This Compatibility Determination may include the need for an application for a Special Use Permit. Please contact your Refuge's Management to learn more about your options. Most Refuges do not allow geocaching activities of any kind, and the standing ban communicated to Groundspeak in 2003 remains as the stance of the USFWS for geocaching on our managed lands. -To view maps of USFWS Refuges, visit www.fws.gov/GIS/data.

  • State Natural areas (Physical hides) including The Dalles of the St. Croix River are not allowed. Physical geocaches are currently prohibited in State Natural Areas, generally only earthcaches and virtual stages of multi caches may be in these areas (and only if proper permission has been gained). 

  • State Natural areas (Virtual hides) are allowed only with very specific permission. Please contact your reviewer for details.

Once you have received your permit, add a sentence to that effect in your cache description.

Once you have received your permit, add a sentence to that effect in your cache description.

Once you have received your permit, add a sentence to that effect in your cache description.

  • Dane County Parks have no permit but do have hiding restrictions. You can view their rules at this location:



  • Hides within the UW-Madison Lakeshore preserve. Per the UW-Madison policy, anyone wishing to place a geocache in any of the UW-Madison natural areas must apply for a permit and comply with all rules and regulations for placing a cache.  Permit information and additional information regarding the UW-Madison Lakeshore Nature Preserve can be found at: https://lakeshorepreserve.wisc.edu/permits/geocache-placement-permit-application/

Once you have received your permit, add a sentence to that effect in your cache description.

  •  Washington County Parks have numerous rules and also require a free permit. You can get a permit at:


For more information follow this link:


Once you have received your permit, add a sentence to that effect in your cache description.

  • The City of Glendale has numerous restrictions as well as a permit requirement. Please read over their rules carefully and once you are in compliance with their rules, obtain the required permit and list the permit number in your cache description. Please know that I will not review this listing based on their guidelines. I will let you and the city determine if their guidelines are being appropriately followed. As always by submitting a geocache you are stating that you have secured all necessary permission.


  • The Ice Age Trail Alliance has a no geocache policy in place for properties owned by them. Some parts of the IAT are privately owned and are therefore not under the control of the IAT Alliance; it is your responsibility to determine landownership for hides along the trail.  

    Please in a review note provide your permission information (contact name and email or phone number). Also place in your Cache description a statement letting people know you have permission for this hide along the trail.  


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