New Zealand

New Zealand

This list is not all inclusive. Keep in mind that when selecting a location for a geocache (public or private), it is always up to the person placing the geocache to make sure that any necessary permission is obtained. Likewise, once a cache is published, it is the responsibility of the geocache owner to quickly respond to any issues that arise over the geocache placement. If you see errors or omissions, please contact me. Thanks!

Please visit the local county/city/municipality website for the area where you wish to hide a container for more information prior to placing your geocache!



Visiting New Zealand to geocache?

For advise and updates on roads visit https://www.nzta.govt.nz/safety/visiting-new-zealand/

Before walking outside of the urban areas please visit https://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/know-before-you-go/


Kauri Dieback

North Island cachers and visitors need to be aware of a serious danger currently threatening Kauri trees throughout the North Island. This information link https://www.kauridieback.co.nz/ has details of the problem and what you can do to minimise the spread of the disease.

For cache owners, it is important NOT to go off the track to place caches in certain forests. If your cache has been placed or found off any of the marked tracks it will be archived to ensure geocachers are not stepping of the tracks. If people are seen off the tracks DOC may close the trails to all and that would be a shame for all.



The application of customary measures such as rāhui has been happening for thousands of years around the Pacific to ensure sustainable use of taonga species.

The rāhui prohibits access to an area (either on water or land) or resources, and there are three different types of rāhui: the drowning rāhui, the conservation rāhui and the political rāhui.

The rāhui is established through karakia and is enforced through acceptance by the community. Generally the rāhui will be for a set period, although with a large tragedy it can be extended indefinitely.

If there is a rāhui in place in an area, for that duration no geocacher should be entering the location (even to pass through).


Power boxes, Utility Boxes and Phone Booths

As these are owned and maintained by their respective companies. Some have warning signs of different types and some don't.

Power boxes/Transformers

"Geocaches or any other material should not be attached to any electricity reticulation or equipment and we also encourage the public to keep clear of any electricity or other infrastructure.
There is a hazard if people are looking for the geocache feel for boxes in or under parts of the equipment. While the equipment is basically safe and is regularly inspected, we cannot guarantee this if there is a fault or damage that has not been identified.

It should be noted that transformers have 11,000 Volt wiring present inside the case."

An example is below of the NZ transformers:



In recent times we have had geocachers place geocaches inside lampposts, inside power boxes and live phone cable cases. This is a risk to people being electrocuted or damaging critical infrastructure. 

If you are placing geocaches near any of the above items, please provide photos of the hide and area with your submission for the reviewers to confirm this complies with the utility company requirements.


Phone Booths

"Our (Spark) preference is that the Geocaching community not affix containers to the phone booths, magnetically or otherwise. While I don’t believe the containers would cause any technical disruption to the service, or control panel access issues, it’s more about setting a precedent of allowing the public to place items on the booths - however unobtrusive they might be.
Also, the booths are regularly serviced by maintenance crews so which would probably result in a higher rate of container loss than some of the other locations your players use."


NZTA and local road structures

NZTA and local authorities require all users to ensure the safety of others. Geocachers (hiders and finders) have a responsibility to protect ourselves and other road users. We can do this by;

  • Not placing any containers on bridges or structures which could drop on to live traffic lanes/hard shoulder (if any are found NZTA have stated before they will revoke rights for geocaches to be placed in their corridor.) If paths below think about the damage it could cause if it was to be knocked off and someone was below.

  • Caches should not be in areas where there are no public access allowances i.e. motorways, gated walkways 

  • Ensuring caches are placed in an area where there is safe parking. 

  • Think about the safety of others, can someone slow down or reach the cache without causing a distraction which can cause a crash?

Remember if co-ordinates are a bit out due to coverage/proximity to buildings or the hints are not explicit - would someone search in wrong area and cause damage to anyone above or below.


Playgrounds and Playground Equipment

Many parks have playgrounds, and while geocaching is generally fine in parks, putting caches on or right next to playground equipment isn’t a good idea.


Most geocachers have the common sense to avoid going under slides or other structures while kids are playing, but there’s always a chance that parents might see this and get the wrong idea.


There’s almost always a better spot at least 30 metres away where a cache can go without causing any worry for parents keeping an eye on their kids.


Because of this, caches on playground equipment or closer than 30 metres from playgrounds won’t be published.


New Zealand Reviewers

TheCur8or - South Island, TheCoddiwompler - North Island (South), LadyPolgara - North Island (North)




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