Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

Updated 17/04/21 - Isle of Man - End of Lockdown and Cache Publication

The Isle of Man Government has announced that from the first minute of Monday 19th April. As long as nothing happens between now and then that causes us undue concern, the remaining lockdown restrictions will be over. As a result, there will be no legal requirement for social distancing in the community and restrictions on gatherings have been removed.

From the 19th April, all cache types including CITOs and Events will be publishable on the Isle of Man subject to nothing happening causing some form of Lockdown restrictions to be reimposed. You may submit caches for review now, although they will not be looked at until Monday 19th April. Please note that Cache Reaping will also restart with cachers now being able to go and maintain their caches.

Thank You for your help and support and Happy Caching.


Updated 02/03/21 - Isle of Man - Circuit Breaker Lockdown

The Isle of Man Government announced on the 2nd March 2021 that the Island will go into a 3-week Circuit Breaker Lockdown from 00:01 on Wednesday 3rd March 2021 to prevent the spread of Covid-19 that has re-emerged on the Island in the last week.. The main message that the Government has announced is the "Stay At Home as much as possible" and the re-introduction of Social Distancing measures with a ban on mixing with other households. As a result of this Circuit Breaker lockdown, cache publication will be suspended with immediate effect.

During this period we will also pause the cache reaping. Caches that have a maintenance warning will not be actioned during this period.

There is no immediate need to disable caches, but it is of course up to each Cache Owner. We see no need to lock all caches. Please remember that it is against the Geocaching guidelines to allow a cache to be virtually logged e.g. by photo (unless a Virtual Cache). Allowing these types of logs is against the guidelines and may result in a cache being archived where it has been allowed. If you disable your caches, without removing them, you cannot delete logs if the logbook has been signed.

For further information on the IOM Coronavirus announcements, please visit the Government Website here

Please continue to refer to this page for the latest Geocaching Publication updates during the Coronavirus Pandemic and when the publication of caches will start again on the Island.

Thank You for your support and please keep safe and healthy.

Southerntrekker - IOM Reviewer

Updated 29/01/21 - Isle of Man - End of Circuit Breaker Lockdown and Cache Publication

The Isle of Man Government has announced today that from "the first minute of Monday 1 February. As long as nothing happens between now and then that causes us undue concern, the circuit break lockdown will be over". As a result, there will be no legal requirement for social distancing in the community and restrictions on gatherings have been removed.

From the 1st February, all cache types including CITOs and Events will be publishable on the Isle of Man subject to nothing happening causing the Circuit Breaker Lockdown to be paused. Please do not submit any new caches until the 1st of February as they won't be looked at until that time. Please note that Cache Reaping will also restart with cachers now being able to go and maintain their caches.

Thank You for your help and support and Happy Caching.


Updated 05/01/21 - Isle of Man - Circuit Breaker Lockdown

The Isle of Man Government announced on the 5th January 2021 that the Island will go into a 3-week Circuit Breaker Lockdown from 00:01 on Thursday 7th January 2021 to prevent the spread of Covid-19 that has re-emerged on the Island in the last couple of weeks. The main message that the Government have announced is the "Stay At Home as much as possible" and the re-introduction of Social Distancing measures with a ban on mixing with other households. As a result of this Circuit Breaker lockdown, cache publication will be suspended with immediate effect.

During this period we will also pause the cache reaping. Caches that have a maintenance warning will not be actioned during this period.

There is no immediate need to disable caches, but it is of course up to each Cache Owner. We see no need to lock all caches. Please remember that it is against the Geocaching guidelines to allow a cache to be virtually logged e.g. by photo (unless a Virtual Cache). Allowing these types of logs is against the guidelines and may result in a cache being archived where it has been allowed. If you disable your caches, without removing them, you cannot delete logs if the logbook has been signed.

For further information on the IOM Coronavirus announcements, please visit the Government Website here

Please continue to refer to this page for the latest Geocaching Publication updates during the Coronavirus Pandemic and when the publication of caches will start again on the Island.

Thank You for your support and please keep safe and healthy.

Southerntrekker - IOM Reviewer

Updated 19th June 2020 - Geocaching Publication - All Cache Types Including Events and CITOs

The latest Government Advice received from the Isle of Man is that from Monday 15th June 2020 any legal requirement for social distancing in our community and restrictions on gatherings have been removed.

As a result of the Government Advice, all cache types including Events and CITOs will be published when submitted for review from Monday 22nd June 2020. If you are holding an event there is no requirement to make a list of all the people who have gathered with you as there is in some countries. It is however seen as good practice and can assist with Track and Trace systems should there be an outbreak of Covid-19.

Geocaching HQ has provided the following guidance regarding Track and Trace for locations which are not required to collect cachers details:

If local rules about gatherings do not require the collection of attendee information, then no information should be required. If event organisers want to provide an optional sign-up sheet where people can provide information, should they wish to have it turned over to local authorities for purposes of contact tracing, that is fine as long as the organisers:

i) collect only the information needed to contact people;

ii) destroy the information no more than one month after the event;

iii) are clear with attendees about the optional nature of providing the data, the purpose for collection of the data (contact tracing only; not emailing them about next year's event), and who it will be shared with (no one--not even HQ--except local authorities upon request).

In an event location where gathering attendee information is not required, should organisers become aware that someone who was at their event has received a confirmed positive test for the virus, they should post an Announcement to the event page notifying attendees that one or more attendees (do not include any identifying information) to the event have tested positive for the coronavirus and advising those who attended to follow local health guidance regarding monitoring themselves for symptoms and self-quarantining.

This is really great news for the Isle of Man that Events, CITOs and social gatherings can now take place on the Island. We do, as always, have to continue to monitor Government Advice, and as such restrictions may need to be reimposed should the Government demand it because of COVID-19 being reintroduced to the Island.

For this reason, please continue to keep an eye on the IOM Wiki and Manx Geocaching Facebook page, where further updates will be provided should restrictions need to be re-imposed.

The latest Government Advice for the IOM can found here.

I look forward to receiving your Events, Community Celebration Events and CITOs for publication.

Finally a very big Thank You to Alan and Angie (twoofnine) for their support in helping me keep up to date with the latest developments on the Isle of Man during the Coronavirus Pandemic and to the Isle of Man Caching Community for their support. I hope you and your family continue to stay healthy.

Updated 29th May 2020 - Geocaching Publication - All Cache Types Excluding Events and CITOs

The Government Advice in the Isle of Man is currently the "Stay Safe" phase of the COVID19 Lockdown Easement Plan. The plan advises that " ‘Stay Safe’ means that you are able to leave your house for some work, and for non-essential activities, but only providing that you take responsible steps to stay safe."

The Government have been contacted regarding how the "Stay Safe" phase can apply to Geocaching and if it would be possible to restart publishing caches on the Island with the exception of Events and CITOs.

Paul Bridson - Head of Sport and Recreation on the Island has advised that it would be possible to start publishing caches again if geocachers take the appropriate safety precautions, in particular using hand sanitiser. He said that  "individuals taking hand sanitiser to use before and after touching the containers is a very sensible one and would enable you and those participating in geocaching to undertake the activity in a safe way."

Following this advice, geocaching publication will recommence on the Isle of Man from Monday 1st June 2020 with the exception of Events and CITOs at this time. Islanders will need to follow the guidance on hand sanitiser to keep both themselves and others safe whilst out geocaching.

Other advice to follow when out caching includes:

  • If you are unwell - DO NOT GO GEOCACHING! STAY HOME! 
  • Keep your distance from other people in public.
  • Wash your hands, Wash your hands, consider wiping down touched surfaces, WASH YOUR HANDS. If you plan on wearing gloves there are some good online videos on how to safely use them - gloves and masks do not remove the need to wash your hands.
  • Please note not all cachers log at the time of their find, so treat any caches found as if they had only just been touched.
  • Take your own pens and minimise touching these and other swag items in caches -  if you touch them think about wiping them down and Wash your Hands.
  • We recommend you consider holding onto TBs for now. But if you are set on moving TBs; wash these down and maybe have a zip lock bag to hand to put them in so you can keep them separate from other items or if possible leave them in a clear bag (where number is visible without having to open) so anyone else going for them can wipe down the bag. Soft materials are not easy to clean so please make sure these are bagged as noted.
  • If you meet others at a cache please remember the social distancing rules and be kind. Note: Reviewers and HQ do not get involved in FTF (joint or otherwise) disputes.

Please note that Reviewers never review for safety. It is up to the individual themselves to deem if it is safe enough for them to go out caching and assess the risks involved.

You can find out more details regarding the Isle of Man lockdown plan by following this link.

Further updates will continue to be posted on the Isle of Man Wiki when required, e.g. If the lockdown is put in place and cache publication needs to be suspended. Event and CITO updates will also be published on the Wiki.

Please note that Geocaches can take up to 7 days for each review of the cache submission. During COVID19 this may take longer especially with reviewing 3 regions all on different lockdown phases and a rush of cache submission in England. I will however try and keep the normal service. You may now submit your caches for review, athough they will not be looked at until Monday 1st June 2020. Thank You for your understanding on this


Isle of Man, North Wales & London Reviewer

Updated 15th May 2020 - Geocaching Publication - EarthCaches & Virtual Caches.

Following discussion with the EarthCache Reviewer for the Isle of Man and also taking into consideration the Government Advice we have been given, I am pleased to advise that we are able to publish EarthCaches and Virtual Caches only on the Isle of Man. In order for the caches to be published, they must follow the various Geocaching HQ guidelines that apply to that cache type but also meet the Isle of Man "No Touch Policy". As a reminder, this states "Touching with one's hands objects and surfaces (e.g. gates and stiles), which may be touched by other members of the public should be avoided." 

If you have an EarthCache or Virtual Cache for review then please submit it to the Isle of Man Queue as normal. Please note that the publication of caches, and in particular EarthCaches may take longer than normal due to the influx that has been submitted in the last few days from the UK. They will review your EarthCache as quickly as possible.

As an aside, if you have been rewarded an Adventure Lab Cache then these can also be activated as long as they meet the same "No Touch Policy". Please note that at this time no physical bonus cache can be published for the Adventure Lab Cache at this time until the guidance from the Government has been relaxed. The Help Centre article on Adventure Labs has recently been updated and you can find more information here

Updated 12th May 2020 - Geocaching Publication - All Caches

The most recent advice received from the Isle of Man Government is to not allow any Geocaching Publication due to the Covid 19 outbreak. The Isle of Man Government has introduced a "No Touch Policy", which states "Touching with one's hands objects and surfaces (e.g. gates and stiles), which may be touched by other members of the public should be avoided." Geocaching has been discussed with the Government and they have said that this policy would also apply to Geocaching. At this current time whilst the Isle of Man is in the “Stay Safe” phase of recreational and leisure pursuits as opposed to the “restricted” phase, the current advice means that we continue to enforce the no publishing of all new caches until such time as these restrictions have been lifted, changed or updated.

For this reason, please do not submit any caches for review or pre-review as these will be returned to you without being looked at.

Updated 12th May 2020 - Geocaching Publication - Event Caches & CITOS (Cache in Trash Out Events)

In response to the ongoing situation & the directives recommending that social distancing be practised to aid in the control of COVID-19, the following has been implemented:-

  • Events/CITOs will not be published in the Isle of Man until further notice.
  • In consideration of social distancing, the UK and IOM Reviewers have decided to archive all events/CITOs happening in a rolling month until such time as social distancing guidelines are rescinded.
  • If you are an Event/CITO host and you wish to cancel your activity - please post an Announcement log (to inform your Will Attends) and then Archive your cache page.
  • If you are an Event/CITO host and you wish to reschedule your activity - please contact your Reviewer (via their Profile Page) and request your page be Retracted/Unpublished.

To view Geocaching HQ's blog post regarding COVID-19 please visit here

To view Geocaching HQ updates on the COVID-19 please visit here

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