Pencelli Estate, Bannau Brycheiniog (Brecon Beacons) National Park

Pencelli Estate, Bannau Brycheiniog (Brecon Beacons) National Park

Geocaches are allowed within the Pencelli Estate but you must apply to the estate management for permission first and give them details of where the cache is located. You must also comply with all Geocache Listing Requirements / Guidelines and the guidelines specified by the Pencelli Estate management as listed below. By apply for permission you are confirming you have read these guidelines and your cache complies with them.

Click here to download a map showing an outline boundary of the Pencelli Estate. The map will open in Google Earth1

Guidelines for Pencelli Limited, Welsh Pencelli Estate

  1. Our client reserves the right to
    1. terminate this permission without notice
    2. remove the cache if necessary
    3. require the owner of the cache to relocate the cache and as owner you will be responsible for moving the cache within a reasonable period of being asked to do so.
  2. The owner of the cache must:
    1. ensure that the cache is well maintained and only contains objects that are appropriate to the sport, e.g.:-
      • that it does not pose a threat to wildlife or livestock by being wrapped in plastic bags
      • it does not contain food/soap which might attract wildlife or livestock
      • that it does not contain matches, lighters, alcohol, knives or anything undesirable should a young child discover it.
    2. notify any persons, private or public bodies (both statutory and non statutory) that may need to be aware of the caches location and obtaining any other necessary consents that may be needed to place the cache at this location.  Such bodies may include for example the National Park, CADW, Commoners Association and Natural Resources Wales (formerly known as the Countryside Council for Wales).
      Note - if you wish to locate a geocache at a location that is for instance a Scheduled Ancient Monument you must obtain consent from CADW before you request consent from our clients.
    3. remove the cache when no longer required
    4. notify us when the cache is removed (unless the removal is at the request of our client)
    5. accept that a cache remains their responsibility and our client can accept no liability whatsoever for the cache, its contents or visitors to their property who may be searching for or visiting it.
    6. place caches:
      • in such a way so as to respect the sensitive nature of the property and avoid damage either by themselves or a searcher
        Note - a cache should not for instance be placed where a searcher could cause damage through their search.
      • in locations that avoid safety hazards for searchers

              Note - should any hazards be identified the owner must notify searchers of any safety considerations on the appropriate geocaching websites.

Applying for permission

Send an email to Joanna Wall - joanna.wall@chester-master.co.uk

Subject: Geocaching Permission Request
Your name and address:
Your geocaching username:
Name of area where the cache is to be placed:
Coordinates and Location on OS maps (insert link from Streetmap)2:
GC number of the cache (if you have created the page)
Any other relevant information:

*Use this link to Streetmap to enter your coordinates. Under the map is a box with a link to the map. Copy this for your email application..

When you get from the estate please copy the entire email to your cache page as a 'Reviewer Note' and submit it for review again. This note will be deleted once the cache has been published.

1 The map overlay can be downloaded and opened in Google Earth which is a free download for a PC and also as apps for Apple and Android.

2 Use this link to Streetmap to enter your coordinates (in any format). Under the map is a box with a link to the map. Copy this for your email application..