Channel Islands

Channel Islands

This Wiki covers the Bailiwick of Jersey and the Bailiwick of Guernsey which also includes the islands of Alderney, Herm and Sark.

Table of Contents


The Guidelines and Help Center contain a lot of information about general cache placement and what you need to know. The information in this Wiki is based on these guidelines as applied to the Channel Islands.


Landowner Agreement Database

Map ResourceInformationCaching Allowed?
Environment DepartmentHistorical Sites map and databaseCaches are permitted on land administered by the Department without permission being required. Caches must be placed carefully to ensure no damage is caused to either the natural or historical environment. This includes Sites of Special Interest (SSI) and Sites of Archaeological Interest. Caches may not be directly placed on (or in) dolmens (standing stones) but outside of the monuments boundary.(tick)
The National Trust for Jersey (general information)

Caches are permitted on National Trust Jersey land without permission being required.

Caches must be placed carefully to ensure no damage is caused to either the natural or historical environment. This includes Sites of Special Interest (SSI) and Sites of Archaeological Interest. Caches may not be directly placed on (or in) dolmens (standing stones) but outside of the monuments boundary.

National Trust for Jersey St Ouen's pond and Grouville Marsh.
Download a map of the sites for Google Earth (kmz file)Caches may not be placed in these two locations which are protected Sites of Special Interest.(error)

Jersey Water Company
Queens Valley and Val de la Mare Reservoir.

Download a map of the sites for Google Earth (kmz file)The Jersey Water Company have also agreed to allow caches on their land of Queens Valley and Val de la Mare Reservoir but the manager must be contacted first and a site visit arranged to agree a location before placement. Contact Derek Morris at JNWWco on 01534 707236.(tick)

Guernsey, Alderney, Herm and Sark

There are no specific landowner agreements for the Bailiwick of Guernsey. However caches must be placed carefully to ensure no damage is caused to the natural or historical environment. Such locations are designated as Sites of Special Significance and include archaeological, botanical, geological, scientific, cultural and zoological locations. Some sites are designated as Sites of Nature Conservation.

Click Here to open the interactive map that will help you find protected historical and other antiquities sites.

Click here to open the interactive map that shows Sites of Nature Conservation.

Reviewer for the Channel Islands - Southerntrekker

About This Guide

The local laws and guidelines for geocaching placement vary from place to place. As community reviewers learn geocache placement policies for a certain location, they can add it here. This site may not be a complete or accurate list of land policies. These policies are made by the land owner or manager, they are neither the reviewer’s nor Geocaching HQ’s. This guide is just for reference, if no policies for the area you’re looking for are listed, that doesn't mean no policies exist. You must still obtain permission to place your geocache from the landowner or land manager,comply with all applicable laws, and follow the Geocaching Listing Requirements.

If you have an update, email the community reviewer(s) listed.

This work is licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

 If you contribute to this wiki, you agree to provide permission to others under this license.

If you share information from this site, you must mention "These regional land policies came from the Geocaching.com Public Wiki and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No-Derivatives 4.0 International License."

 And, you agree to keep content current by checking back regularly for updates.



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