Czech Republic


Bridges, bridging technology, product

Do not allow the location of the cache on bridge structures, bridges or bridging technology and so. Pipelines, which is not an official walkway to the public and which therefore Keser no business.

The exception may be the cache on the railing of the bridge, if it is in range of the sidewalk for the public, so Keser did not abandon the sidewalk (climb the bridge structure), or cache outside the bridge structure, for example. At the foot of the bridge pillars. If it is, or will be placed on the bridge cache, it is necessary to thoroughly ensure that the box was a visible sign of geocaching logo or better to be transparent in design to avoid the suspicion that it is an explosive booby system.

Motorways and expressways

Do not allow the location of the cache directly on the highway or road body, whether it's a road, bridging, culverts or barriers in its immediate neighborhood.

An exception may be, for example, motorway rest stop or gas station. The condition is a place for safe stopping and parking in the cache, which is in accordance with the rules of the road.


Location cache circuit pathways regulated by Act C-266/1994 Coll., On railways, which is defined runway protection.

Quote of § 4 of Act C-266/1994 Coll .:

§ 4a protection paths

  • No person shall without the permission of the operator to perform the track circuit track activities that are deemed to be business, enter the path and circuit paths to places that are not accessible to the public, unless a special legal predpis1b) provides otherwise.

  • All places on the track and circuit paths are closed to the public except

  • a) runway and its circuit when the track runs along the road,

  • b) pathway and its district at the intersection with runway road,

  • c) space for the public, platforms and access roads and space in buildings located within the perimeter of the track if they are provided services related to rail transport

  • d) public roads in the circuit path

  • e) free space distance of at least 2.5 m from the axis of the outer rail tracks.

Do not allow the placement of caches on railway bridges and culverts under the tracks.

Do not allow the placement of caches in railway signaling, communication and power technology (signaling, level crossing systems, the overhead line poles, etc..).

An exception may occur if these devices in public places. In no case shall the cache location so that the above mentioned facilities had to climb. Location cache so that it can be only in places where the public is allowed. The cache must be hidden so that Keser at the catch did not infringe the distance specified in § 4a

Sewerage network

Do not allow the placement of caches into drains. The sewerage system is not publicly accessible, and thus there is not Keser out of place. Location cache in the sewers is not appropriate or terms of safety, hygiene and health reasons (risk of infection, the possibility of nedýchatelných or toxic gas).

Chimneys, transmitters, columns of utilities

Do not allow the placement of caches on chimneys, transmission poles and operated utilities, if it is necessary to not climb.

Government buildings, courthouses, jails, building security services, military areas and objects

Do not allow the placement of caches to government and court buildings, prisons, security forces buildings, military installations and in their immediate neighborhood.
caches is not allowed to place directly in military districts.

Nowadays in the Czech Republic, there are five military districts:

An exception may be a cache publication in the peripheral areas of military sites that were available to the public for leisure activities (hiking, biking and fruit picking) on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. The listing must be a strong warning about accessibility cache.


Do not allow the location of the cache directly to the cemetery and the grave.

An exception can be placed caches at some significant memorial, which is located in the cemetery. In this case it is necessary to have the permission of the memorial and cemetery caretaker.

Kindergarten, primary school and playground

Do not allow the placement of caches on buildings and land (walls, walls, fences, gates and wickets) kindergartens and primary schools and in their immediate neighborhood.

An exception may occur if the location of such permitted by the school and also meet all other rules for setting cache.

Do not allow the placement of caches directly to the playground for the little children and is not recommended to place the cache or in their immediate neighborhood.

Protected areas (with limited movement and access)

Do not allow the placement of caches in NP I. zones in NPR and then chránenkách, where a decree is limited or banned the movement of people (it can be static. Some PR, PP, NPP, etc.). Scanned Victory regulations can be found at the link

An exception may occur only caches approved by the administrator of the site. However, it is necessary to provide written authorization with the placement of such caches and comply with all the requirements for seasonal access, etc..

If you are in the area of movement of persons allowed only on marked hiking paths, the cache must be reached without passing out of the way.

We recommend that you study the rules for cache in protected areas , which very well written Ondra Vitek from ANCLP. *


Do not allow the location of a cache inside the cave, which is a wintering place for bats. The database can be found here
Location cache inside the cave, other than those mentioned above, is possible only provided that it is not prohibited to the cave entrance.



Seznam aktivních reviewerů pro Českou republiku

DarkLord ReviewerAlex Reviewer, Voyager ReviewerRico Reviewer, ValenReviewer, Robin_Reviewer

Earthcache reviewer pro Českou republiku
