
Malta hija riveduta mit-tim tar-reviżjoni Taljan, għalhekk il-politiki reġjonali Taljani huma applikati. Tista' ssibhom hawn. Id-differenzi huma elenkati hawn taħt.

Malta is reviewed by the Italian reviewing team, so the Italian regional policies are applied. You can find them here. Differences are listed below.


Indiċi (Index)



Jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lir-reviżuri jekk għandek xi tħassib dwar dawn il-Linji Gwida Lokali jew suġġetti li (għadhom) ma ġewx koperti.

Please contact one of the reviewers if you have any doubt regarding this local policies or related to any topic that hasn't been covered (yet).


Stacking ta 'avvenimenti (Event stacking)


Avvenimenti minn sidien differenti (Events by different owners)

Avvenimenti minn sidien differenti (Events by different owners)

Żewġ avvenimenti jew aktar fl-istess jum

Żewġ avvenimenti jew aktar jistgħu jinħolqu fl-istess jum jekk:
- l-avvenimenti huma mill-inqas 10 km 'il bogħod JEW mill-inqas 5 sigħat 'il bogħod (mit-tmiem ta' waħda sal-bidu tal-oħra);
- l-avvenimenti huma fuq gżejjer differenti (Malta - Għawdex - Kemmuna).

Barra minn hekk:
- is-sigħat jiżdiedu għal 8 jekk id-distanza tkun inqas minn 10 km;
- is-sigħat jiżdiedu għal 24 jekk il-post ikun f'161 metru.

L-eċċezzjonijiet jistgħu jitqiesu fuq bażi ta' każ b'każ biss jekk l-attivitajiet huma mfassla b'mod ċar għal udjenza differenti.
Żewġ avvenimenti jew aktar fl-istess jum imfassla b'mod ċar għall-istess udjenza ma jiġux ippubblikati, irrispettivament mid-distanza fiżika jew temporali.

Two or more events in the same day

Two or more events can be created on the same day if:
- the events are at least 10 km away OR at least 5 hours away (from the end of one to the start of the other);
- the events are on different islands (Malta - Gozo - Comino/Cominotto).

- the hours increase to 8 if the distance is less than 10 km;
- the hours increase to 24 if the location is within 161 meters.

Exceptions can be considered on a case-by-case basis only if the activities are clearly designed for a different audience.
Two or more events on the same day clearly designed for the same audience will not be published, regardless of physical or temporal distance.


Avvenimenti mill-istess sid (Events by the same owner)

Avvenimenti mill-istess sid (Events by the same owner)

Żewġ avvenimenti jew aktar fl-istess jum
L-istess geocacher ma jistax ikollu aktar minn avveniment wieħed fl-istess jum (minn nofsillejl sal-11.59pm).

Żewġ avvenimenti jew aktar fi ġranet differenti
L-istess geocacher ma jistax ikollu aktar minn avveniment wieħed kull 7 ijiem, irrispettivament mit-tip ta' avvenimenti.
Eċċezzjonijiet huma permessi jekk l-avvenimenti jkunu fuq gżejjer differenti (Malta - Għawdex - Kemmuna).

Nota: dawn il-linji gwida japplikaw għall-kontijiet kollha marbuta mal-istess plejer.

Two or more events in the same day
The same geocacher cannot own more than one event in the same day (from midnight to 11.59pm).

Two or more events in different days
The same geocacher cannot own more than one event every 7 days, regardless of the type of events.
Exceptions is allowed if the events are on different islands (Malta - Gozo - Comino/Cominotto).

Note: these guidelines apply to all accounts linked to the same player.


Noti (Notes)

Noti (Notes)

  • Dawn il-linji gwida huma applikati għal kull tip ta' avvenimenti (Avvenimenti regolari, Avvenimenti tas-CITO u Avvenimenti ta' Ċelebrazzjoni tal-Komunità); dawn il-limiti huma validi jew iż-żewġ avvenimenti ta 'stacking huma tal-istess tip jew huma ta' tipi differenti.

  • Eċċezzjoni hija li CITO jista' jiġi immedjatament segwit jew preċedut minn avveniment ieħor (iżda waħda biss miż-żewġ għażliet) biss jekk it-tnejn ikunu organizzati mill-istess sid u biss jekk l-attività ewlenija tal-ġurnata tkun is-CITO; l-Avveniment għandu jkun biss laqgħa soċjali qasira qabel ma jibda x-xogħol jew meta x-xogħol ikun lest.
    Biex tiġi evalwata din l-aħħar parti, għalhekk se jitqiesu dawn il-parametri:
    - l-Avveniment tal-ġenb għandu jkollu tul ta' 30 minuta, irrispettivament mit-tul tas-CITO;
    - il-post tal-Avveniment għandu jkun fl-inħawi immedjati tas-CITO (jiġifieri se jieħu ftit minuti bil-mixi biex jimxi minn wieħed għall-ieħor).
    Jekk dawn il-parametri ma jiġux rispettati, is-CITO u l-avveniment jitqiesu bħala avvenimenti separati u japplikaw ir-regoli normali deskritti hawn fuq.

  • These guidelines are applied to all kind of events (regular Events, CITO Events and Community Celebration Events); these limits are valid either the two stacking events are of the same kind or they are of different kinds.

  • An exception is that a CITO can be immediately followed or preceded by another event (but only one of the two options) only if both are organised by the same owner and only if the main activity of the day is the CITO; the Event should be just a short social gathering before starting work or when the work is finished.
    To evaluate this last part, these parameters will therefore be taken into account:
    - the side Event must have a duration of 30 minutes, regardless of the duration of the CITO;
    - the location of the Event must be in the immediate surroundings of the CITO (i.e. it will take a few minutes on foot to move from one to the other).
    If these parameters are not respected, the CITO and the event will be considered as separate events and the normal rules described above will apply.


Reviżuri Taljani (Italian Reviewers)

  BriganteTiburzi (Piero @) mill- Jun 8, 2015 
 Giulia_Tofana (Giulia @) mill-Feb 12, 2018 
 Zeddicus_Zorander (Stefano @) mill-Feb 12, 2018 

 GeoAwareIT (B, G, Z @) mill-Mar 12, 2020