South Australia

South Australia

1) Current status of publication due to Covid
2) Cache publication in Parks on Kangaroo Island
3) Marine Parks in South Australia 
4) Mine Shafts in the Goldfields  
5) Legislation for crossing a road
6) Cache placement in areas managed by the National Trust
7) Historical Covid content
Current position on publishing caches in relation to Covid 19 : South Australia 
COVID-19 Response
From a Geocaching event perspective this is no public health requirements restricting publication..
Thank you to the Geocaching community in its commitment to keeping our state safe. Stay well.
Cache publication in Parks on Kangaroo Island
The following information has been provided by the Senior Ranger/District Manager on Kangaroo Island who works 
for the Department for
Environment and Water (DEW).
With the area starting to regrow after the recent bush fires, cachers need to be aware of the sensitivity of this unique location when placing caches.
Please follow this guideline when placing caches in parks on kangaroo Island and any marine park associated with the Island.
Please submit the approval you receive back from the ranger for the placement of your cache with your submission.
These are the guidelines that you need to consider when placing caches in park locations on KI --
Department for Environment and Water (DEW) is responsible for the management of Public Lands (National Parks, Conservation Parks & Wilderness Protection Areas) and Crown Lands on Kangaroo Island
• Geocaches on Public Lands must be located on designated walking trails or adjacent to existing access points or infrastructure provided for visitor management purposes. Avoid locating them in Wilderness Protection Areas.
• Geocache placement must not involve disturbance to the soil or native vegetation.
• Pytophthora cinnamomi (Pc) spread should be minimised, by promoting the use of hygiene methods, including boot cleaning or use of hygiene stations (where provided) – see map attached
• Geocaches should not be located in threatened species breeding or feeding habitat
• Geocaches which are located on, or accessed via, beaches should include a message about the protection of beach-nesting birds, and walking below the high water mark when they are breeding (September to April)
• To confirm that the location is appropriate and avoid potential disturbance to threatened species or sites of cultural significance, communication must be made with the District Ranger prior to locating a new Geocache and the proposed grid reference. The locations of sensitive sites is not always available to the public, so a phone call or email should identify any potential conflicts.
• Parks and trails may be closed due to extreme fire conditions, prescribed burning operations or feral animal control.
As you can see you need permission from a park ranger to confirm your cache is acceptable.
You need to confirm with the rangers on KI you placement is OK
The current contact for Kangaroo Island is-
Brett Dalzell
District Ranger, Kangaroo Island
 National Parks and Wildlife Service Division
Department for Environment and Water
P (08) 8553 4408, Mob 040 993 2144
Osmond Street, Kingscote
PO Box 39, Kingscote SA 5223
Marine Parks in South Australia
There are several Marine parks that are out of bounds for cache placement in South Australia.
Current restrictions are in the area of Victor Harbour and Horseshoe Bay but this will grow as other areas are identified.
Wright Island - This is not technically a marine park as it is owned/managed by the Victor Harbour council.
However the Department of Environment and Water (DEW) has been assisting the council since Birds stopped their traditional breeding practice on West Island 
and migrated to Wright Island 2 years ago. DEW is unsure how long the birds will continue this practice and are evaluating the island on a year by year basis.
It is a popular location with the public and so in the beginning of this year they erected signage including buoys around the island to stop people disturbing the breeding birds.
The signage is expected to be up for about 3 months so this cache so caches on this island should be disabled from December to March.
Given the situation is evolving on Wright Island I wont be publishing caches on this island  at this time.

West Island - is a declared a Fauna Reserve under the Fauna Conservation Act 1964-1965. DEW asks that this island not be visited or the Bird-life disturbed.
There will be no cache publication on this island as advised by DEW

Seal Island - is part of West Island Conservation Park. Parks have a 50 metres distance limit for all the boats looking at the seals on the island. Closer than that distance, the seals start to get concerned and either have to bolt to the water or in the case of males and nursing mothers, stand their ground and become aggressive. 
There will be no cache publication on this island as advised by DEW
Pullen Island has been a protected area status since 2 September 1948 when it was declared as a closed area for birds under the Animals and Birds Protection Act 1919-1946. On 16 March 1967, the island gained status as a Fauna Conservation Reserve. In 1972, the reserve was re-dedicated as the Pullen Island Conservation Park following the enactment of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972. 
DEW tells me that between 30-40 locals contact them every time they see people going out onto the Island.
There will be no cache publication on this island as advised by DEW
Use this link to access a map with more details about the Marine parks and their zones.
Mine Shafts in the goldfields
I have been advised by the Protected Areas Unit in the Conservation & Land Management Branch 
of DEW that placement of caches in mine shafts is prohibited.
Legislation for crossing a road
230—Crossing a road—general
(1) A pedestrian crossing a road—
(a) must cross by the shortest safe route; and
(b) must not stay on the road longer than necessary to cross the road safely.
Offence provision.
230(1) Fail to cross road by shortest safe route A349 $53 - $145
Cache Placements in areas managed by the National Trust 

Geocaches cannot be accepted for publication in a National Trust park without demonstrating (written) permission has been provided by the Land Management (National Trust Authority.


South Australia Reviewer

About This Guide

The local laws and guidelines for geocaching placement vary from place to place. As community reviewers learn geocache placement policies for a certain location, they can add it here. This site may not be a complete or accurate list of land policies. These policies are made by the land owner or manager, they are neither the reviewer’s nor Geocaching HQ’s. This guide is just for reference, if no policies for the area you’re looking for are listed, that doesn't mean no policies exist. You must still obtain permission to place your geocache from the landowner or land manager,comply with all applicable laws, and follow the Geocaching Listing Requirements.

If you have an update, email the community reviewer(s) listed.


This work is licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

 If you contribute to this wiki, you agree to provide permission to others under this license.

If you share information from this site, you must mention "These regional land policies came from the Geocaching.com Public Wiki and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No-Derivatives 4.0 International License."

 And, you agree to keep content current by checking back regularly for updates.




Covid 19 Previous History

Activities and gatherings


COVID-19 Response

From a Geocaching event perspective this is no public health requirements on holding an event.

Please check Current activity restrictions to make sure you are complying with local health directives.



Thank you to the Geocaching community in its commitment to keeping our state safe. Stay well.


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