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General Information

This page contains specific geocaching land management policies for Massachusetts, naturally all other guidelines, including obtaining adequate permission for any geocache placement, apply.  This listing is not all-inclusive as some land managers have instituted policies we are not yet aware of or may have amended their posted policies.  If you are a land manager with a geocaching policy which should be listed here please send a copy of your policy and contact information to mato ma.reviewer "at" or massquerade.reviewer “at”

Federal Land

Management Policies

National Park Service


Geocaches are not generally allowed on property managed, owned or operated by the United States National Park Service or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (National Wildlife Refuges). Exceptions can be granted with the express consent of the Park Manager and the NPS.

US Army Corp of Engineers Property


Please contact the specific park manager to obtain a permit.  A list of recreation properties and contact information can be found at

Massachusetts Land

Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR / MassParks)

Geocaching is generally allowed on DCR properties. However, the placement of caches needs to be reviewed and approved by park staff to ensure natural and cultural resources protection and public safety. Cache approval shall be granted and documented through a DCR Recreational Use Permit.

  • Caches must be located adjacent to an existing and authorized trail. Geocachers are encouraged to stay on legal trails to avoid impacting natural and cultural resources.
  • Containers must be transparent, e.g., Tupperware or Rubbermaid.

The Trustees of Reservations in Massachusetts - permission must be granted by the land steward of that area

Athol Conservation areas - (Minnie French, Bearsden, Cass Meadow, Newton Reservoir, And and a section on the Gulf road.) - no caching after dusk and to observe the general regulations

Wachusett Reservoir - Geocaching and letterboxing are
  •   Metal (ammo boxes), PVC pipes, or other non-transparent containers are prohibited. 
  • No digging or excavation is permitted at any time in the placement or retrieval of a cache.
  • No defacement or alteration to DCR property, including but not limited to signs, benches, buildings, or natural features is allowed.
  • No removal or significant disturbance of vegetation, plant growth, or other flora is permitted at any time in the placement or operation of a cache.
  • Caches shall not contain food, alcohol, firearms, drugs, dangerous items (e.g., fireworks, matches), or sexually explicit material.  No natural or cultural materials from the park or facility shall be placed into the cache.

Caches Shall not be Located In:

  • Sensitive archaeological sites as designated by the Department’s Cultural Resources Office; such locations include historic buildings, structures, or rock walls if the cache is placed in such a way as to diminish the quality of the resources
  • Zone 1 areas identified by the Department’s Land Stewardship Zoning Guidelines
  • Areas that contain unique, exemplary or highly sensitive resources and landscapes such as rare species habitat highly sensitive to human activities and rare or exemplary natural communities
  • Areas that could potentially cause danger to visitors trying to locate the cache
  • Locations where cache-related foot traffic may create confusion, public safety concerns or impacts to significant ecological or cultural resources
  • Underwater, caves or dens
  • Other locations that are deemed inappropriate by the facility manager, their designee, or the Department.

Most DCR property is receptive to geocaching, but permission must still be acquired.  A list of all DCR lands is available at

Each park on includes a contact phone number, and sometimes an email address.

An interactive map of DCR properties is available at:

Some properties have known requirements and prohibitions, which are listed below:

Appalachian Trail Corridor

Geocaching is not permitted

Blue Hills Reservation

The Blue Hills EAST of route 28 and south of the Quarries no longer allow geocaches.

Sudbury Reservoir

Geocaching is not permitted in watershed areas

Quabbin Reservoir

Geocaching is not allowed at the Quabbin Reservoir and some surrounding watershed lands.  The exact prohibited area is mapped at

Wachusett Reservoir

Geocaching is allowed on DCR Wachusett Reservoir watershed lands, however; there are several rules for this type of activity to ensure minimal impact on the natural and cultural resources. All caches to be placed on DCR Wachusett Reservoir watershed property must be registered on, noting that DCR Wachusett Reservoir watershed rules must be adhered to when on the property. Each cache must contain contact information of the owner. In the event a cache has to be removed by DCR staff, effort will be made to notify the owner. Caches placed in no trespassing areas or areas deemed to be inappropriate by the DCR Wachusett Watershed Rangers will be removed immediately and kept at the Watershed Ranger office for thirty days. Effort will be made to notify the owner of the cache removal. Caches CANNOT be placed in the following locations: o

  • Areas that would encourage disturbance or dismantling of historic structures, historic buildings, rock walls or cellar hole foundations
  • Wetland resources protected under the Code of Massachusetts Regulations (310 CMR 10)
  • Areas that could potentially cause danger to visitors trying to locate the cache
  • Underwater or in streams
  • Wildlife dens
  • Restricted access areas of the DCR Wachusett Reservoir watershed

Caches must be in transparent containers, e.g., Tupperware or Rubbermaid. Metal (ammo boxes), PVC pipes, or other non-transparent containers are prohibited. No digging or excavation is permitted at any time in the placement or retrieval of a cache. No defacement or alteration to DCR Wachusett Reservoir watershed property, including but not limited to signs, benches, buildings, or natural features is allowed. No removal or significant disturbance of vegetation, plant growth, or other flora is permitted at any time in the placement or operation of a cache. Caches will not contain food, alcohol, firearms, drugs, dangerous items (e.g., fireworks or matches), or sexually explicit material. No natural materials from DCR Wachusett Reservoir watershed lands shall be placed into the cache. No monies or profits can be derived from the placement of a cache by the owner or an affiliated business or organization.

Any questions can be directed to the DCR Wachusett Reservoir Watershed Rangers at 978-365-3800.

All Audubon properties - Must have permission to place a cache

North County Land Trust - Will have policies soon for the following areas:
o Crocker Conservation Area, Fitchburg, Massachusetts
o Rome Conservation Area, Gardner, Massachusetts
o Sibley Property, Westminster, Massachusetts
o Wiita Conservation Area, Ashby, Massachusetts

Dartmouth Natural Reserve Trust properties -

Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife)

An interactive map of MassWildlife lands is available at  Hunting is allowed in all areas, and it is recommended to use the “Hunting” attribute on geocaches placed in these properties.  There are three major types of MassWildlife areas:

Wildlife Management Areas (WMA)

Geocaching is generally allowed without restriction

Wildlife Conservation Easement (WCE)

Geocaching is generally allowed without restriction, but a few have special rules.  It is your responsibility to identify these.

Non-DFG Lands

Check with the land owner (who is not MassWildlife) to place geocaches.

Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT)

Geocaches are not permitted along number routes in Massachusetts (such as Interstate 90 or Route 9) unless it is at an official pull off or rest area.


In Massachusetts, it is illegal to cross railroad owned property ( unless it is at an official crossing, subject to arrest, a fine, and community service.  A geocache which could lead a geocacher to cross tracks or enter property owned by a railroad is not allowed.

Land Conservation Organizations

Dartmouth Natural Reserve Trust

Requires permission to place a geocache. You may contact them

Greater Worcester Land Trust


Please ask ahead!  Please email gwlt@gwlt the details and the GPS coordinates!  Their land use policies, which includes geocaching at available at

  • We ask that you keep back from sensitive ecological areas such as: brooks, rivers, wetlands, vernal pools, and meadows.
  • We ask that you try to locate geocaches no more than
  • 15′ off of existing blazed and marked trails.
  • We ask that you use
  • “small” and/or
  • “regular” sized geocaches.
  • We ask that if you are the maintainer of a geocache you send us an email once a year in May just to keep in touch, to remind us that it is out there, and so that we
  • don’t accidentally consider the geocache abandoned and discard it.

Massachusetts Audubon Society

Managers of over 75 wildlife sanctuaries in Massachusetts.  You must have permission from the land manager to place a geocache.  Geocaches will likely need to be next to an existing trail.  Properties considered “Not Ready for Visitors” do not allow geocaching.  A full list of properties is available at:

North County Land Trust

Properties include:

  • Crocker Conservation Area
  • Dwelly Farm Conservation Area
  • Kirby Conservation Area
  • Peabody Conservation Area
  • Rome Conservation Area
  • Underwood Road Conservation Area
  • Zins Conservation Area

Placement requires a permit, which can be requested at


Blue Hills EAST of route 28 and south of the Quarries - No longer allow geocaches

Trustees of Reservations

Manager of over 120 properties in Massachusetts.  Permission for each geocache placement must be granted by the land steward of that area.  A complete list can be found at


For town-owned properties, you will generally need to contact the recreation department of that town to get permission to place a geocache.

Athol Conservation Areas

In Minnie French, Bearsden, Cass Meadow, Newton Reservoir, and a section on the Gulf road, no geocaching after dusk and please observe the general regulations.

titleMassachusetts Reviewers


The Seanachai (backup)Massquerade, SearchNSeekNEnjoy 

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