Locations in Minnesota that need Permission, Permits, or where Geocaching is Prohibited

Locations in Minnesota that need Permission, Permits, or where Geocaching is Prohibited

Page Contents:

Click on links for additional information

Aitkin County

Aitkin County requires that permission be obtained in writing before placement of caches on Aitkin County Lands.

You can contact Rich Courtemanche at rich.courtemanche@co.aitkin.mn.us for permission.

Click this link to download the registration from—>  Aitkin County Registration Form

Anoka County

Anoka County will email you the approval and copy it to the Minnesota Reviewers.  Here is the current email address where you should send your permission request:  Quinn.Palar@anokacountymn.gov

Please wait to submit your cache for review until the permit is sent.

Geocaching policy and application form can be found here (link updated 7/24/2021)

Blaine (City)

Policy can be found here: Geocaching Guidelines in Blaine Parks

Be sure to include a Reviewer Note stating that your cache meet the policy and include park hours on the cache page

Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness

Physical geocaches are not permitted in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.  See the Superior National Forest website for more information.

Brooklyn Park (City)

Brooklyn Park's Geocaching Policy

Carleton College

Carleton's Geocaching policy and registration procedure can be found here: https://www.carleton.edu/arboretum/visitor-information/geocaching/

Carver County Parks

Carver County Parke Geocaching policy

Champlin (City)

Caches can be published in Champlin City Parks without an approval email from Jake Widmyer jwidmyer@ci.champlin.mn.us if the following is adhered to:

A limit of three caches will be allowed for each park, no more than one cache per person at an individual park.

Caches are not to contain items that are offensive, dangerous, or illegal.

Access to caches will be subject to the City ordinance including hours of operation, designated trail uses, maintenance standards and natural resources management activities. Placement or gaining access to caches is restricted to within 25 feet of a trail, and must not require disturbance of the park environment.

Caches are not to be buried. Caches are not allowed in ecologically sensitive areas such as sanctuaries and environmental preservation areas. Some areas that are accessible in the winter may not be accessible in the spring or summer. You will be notified if your cache needs to be removed because of a trail closing.

The City of Champlin retains the right to remove, or have removed; a cache it feels is in an inappropriate location or is causing undo impact on the habitat, or if it is not registered with the City of Champlin.

Caches are not allowed in reservation picnic areas, or playground areas.

Caches may be placed at the following park locations:

• Andrews Park
• Galloway Park
• Mississippi Point Park
• Oxbow Park
• Jerry Ruppelius Athletic Complex

Cloquet (City)

You must notify the City when you place a geocache in Cloquet. More information may be found by contacting Brian Fritsinger at 218-879-3347.


Dakota County

Dakota County Parks Geocaching Guidelines

Register a Geocache Be sure to include a Reviewer Note stating that your cache has been registered.

Detroit Lakes (City)

City of Detroit Lakes Geocaching Policy

All caches placed on Detroit Lakes City Parks must be registered. Geocaching is only permitted in the GAR Park, Beaton Park, Long Lake Park, Washington Park (City Park), Sucker Creek Preserve and the Rotary Soccer Complex. The City of Detroit Lake Parks Department reserves the right to disallow geocaching in any area of any park. All unregistered caches will be removed.

When hiding, finding, and trading items in a geocache, you are subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, including park hours.

Hiding or finding a geocache should never alter, damage or otherwise negatively impact the parks, trails or surrounding area. New caches should not be placed within 1/2 mile of existing caches and should be located so that existing trails can be used to get close to them. The City of Detroit Lakes retains the right to remove or have removed a cache it feels is in an inappropriate location or is causing undue impact on the habitat. Geocaching should never interfere with or detract from other park visitors’ experiences.

Individuals will be limited to 2 caches per park; 5 total in the park system. Caches need to be available to the public, no member-only or subscription caches will be allowed on park properties.

The hider is responsible for maintaining the quality of the geocache, and it must be of value to other geocachers. Caches are not to contain items that are offensive, dangerous, or illegal.

The hider is responsible for the upkeep of relevant information about the park and area the geocache is located in.

Duluth (City)


City of Duluth Parks and Recreation Department Geocaching Policy


Geocaching is a recreational pursuit that brings technology and nature together. A geocache is normally a hidden container containing trade items and a logbook. The location of the geocache is recorded with a Global Positioning System receiver and is posted online. Other individuals then try to find the geocache, sign its logbook, trade an item, and later record their find online.


The Duluth Parks and Recreation Department welcomes responsible geocaching and has developed the following policy in the interest of all park users and geocachers.


1. When hiding, finding, and trading items in a geocache you are subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws including park hours.

2. Hiding or finding a geocache should never alter, damage, or otherwise negatively impact the parks, trails, or surrounding areas. Geocaching should never interfere with or detract from other park visitors' experiences. New geocaches should not be placed within 1/10th of a mile (528 feet) of existing geocaches.


3. Geocaching is not allowed in sanctuaries, campgrounds, zoos, environmental preservation areas, and places that are ecologically sensitive. The City of Duluth Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to disallow geocaching in any area of any park.


4. A geocache hider must notify the City of Duluth Parks and Recreation Department with the geocache name, coordinates, URL of geocache listing, and valid contact information when a geocache is hidden. The hider is responsible for maintaining the quality of the geocache and it must be of value to other geocachers. The hider is also responsible for the upkeep of relevant information about the park and area the geocache is located in. The City of Duluth Parks and Recreation Department will notify the hider if there are any seasonal restrictions or relevant policy changes concerning the park or geocache area.


If you have any questions about this policy, or if you hide a geocache in a Duluth park, please contact Judy Gibbs with the City of Duluth Parks and Recreation Department at 218-269-4712 or by email at jgibbs@duluthmn.gov.

Eden Prairie (City)

Eden Prairie Geocaching policy

Isanti County

Geocache Policy

Lake County

Caches in Lake County are currently allowed only in the Demonstration Forest with permit obtained from the Lake County Commissioner. There is a limit of 5 caches in the Demonstration Forest at any time.

Download the Registration Form here — > Lake County Registration Form

Maple Grove (City)

The Maple Grove geocaching policy has been updated effective May 26, 2010 and allows for caches without registration.

Maple Grove Geocaching Policy

Minnesota State Parks

* State Parks (guidelines, registration form)

The MnDNR has recently updated their permission and permit process for State Parks, State Recreational areas, and Waysides. The information below is from their registration form-


  1. Please review the list of geocaching Best Practices (pg. 3) before completing this application.
  2. Create a map of the geocache location to submit with your application.
  3. Deliver, mail, or e-mail your application and digital map to the unit manager or contact station at the unit where you are requesting to place a geocache. Contact information is available on the MNDNR Parks and Trails website.
  4. The issuing park with provide you with a signed special use permit.  Remember, the permit needs to be renewed every 2 years.

When you receive approval, please forward a copy of the signed special use permit to one of the Reviewers or paste an image to a Reviewer Note.

Click here for a map of Minnesota State Parks and Recreation Areas

Minnesota State Parks Boundary File (Opens in Google Earth)

Minnesota State Forests

* State Forests (guidelines and MN DNR Recreation Compass)

Pay particular attention in State Forests to paragraph 4.0.  Be sure to include a Reviewer Note stating that your cache meets the State Forest Guidelines.

Minnesota State Forest Boundary File (Opens in Google Earth)

Minnesota State Wildlife Management Areas

Geocaching is prohibited on all other Minnesota DNR land including, but not limited to: Aquatic Management Areas (including Fishery Management Areas), Scientific Natural Areas, and Wildlife Management Areas.

Minnesota WMA Boundary Files (Opens in Google Earth)

Minnesota Scientific and Natural Areas

Geocaching is prohibited on all other Minnesota DNR land including, but not limited to: Aquatic Management Areas (including Fishery Management Areas), Scientific Natural Areas, and Wildlife Management Areas.

Click here for more information:  Minnesota Scientific and Natural Areas Things to do and rules

Earthcaches are currently allowed in SNA's.  Please download the Application here: Earthcache Application for Minnesota SNA's

Minnesota SNA Boundary Files (Opens in Google Earth)

(Updated 11/2/2021 from MnDNR communication)

Minnesota Aquatic Management Areas

Geocaching is prohibited on all other Minnesota DNR land including, but not limited to: Aquatic Management Areas (including Fishery Management Areas), Scientific Natural Areas, and Wildlife Management Areas.

Minnesota AMA Boundary Files (Opens in Google Earth)

Minnesota State Fair Property

The Minnesota State Fair is a state government-related entity that is operated by the Minnesota State Agricultural Society.  We have been informed that geocaching, whether physical or virtual, is not allowed due to damage to property on the fairgrounds and public safety issues.  We cannot publish any caches on their property even if the locations are virtual.  This includes Adventure Labs. Other location based games have also been banned.

MnDOT Rest Areas

 Geocaching is no longer allowed in MnDOT Rest Areas: http://www.dot.state.mn.us/restareas/policy.html


National Parks


Geocaching is prohibited in all National Parks including the Saint Croix National Scenic Riverway. The policy can be found here

National Wildlife Refuges and Waterfowl Production Areas

The US Fish & Wildlife Service does not allow physical geocaches within National Wildlife Refuges or Waterfowl Production Areas.

Map link: NWRs in Minnesota

Links below will open in Google Earth

National Wildlife Refuges















Waterfowl Production Areas



Pelican Lake WPAa

Pelican Lake WPAb

Pelican Lake WPAc

Ney Nature Center

The Ney Nature Center requires registration with the office before placing a cache on the property.

Northtown Shopping Center

Security does not allow caches on Northtown Mall property

Pelican Rapids (City)

Pelican Rapids Geocaching Policy

Ramsey County Parks

Park hours have been recently changed to 5 am to 11 pm.  Please include this on your cache page.  (updated 5/14/2022)

Ramsey County has a limit of 10 caches per person.  This is 10 total across the entire park system, not 10 per park.

Subscriber Only caches are not allowed.

Ramsey County will email you the approval and copy it to the Minnesota Reviewers.  Please wait to submit your cache for review until the permit is sent.

Ramsey County Parks Geocaching Policy and Application Form

River Bend Nature Area

GPS & Geocaching at River Bend


Robbinsdale requires geocaches to be approved and has a policy.  Details pending.

Southdale Shopping Center

Southdale Center in Edina does not allow geocaches to be placed. Cachers have been approached by security and asked to leave in the past.

Springbrook Nature Center (City of Fridley)

 Click here for Springbrook's Geocaching Policy and Registration Form

Superior National Forest

Information on Geocaching in Superior National Forest and a link to the registration form can be found here

Virtual caches in the BWCAW do not require registration.  Geocaching and Letterboxing

 When approved, email an image to your Reviewer or upload a copy to a Reviewer Note.

Physical geocaches are allowed in the Superior National Forest but they must be registered at a Forest Service District Office before being placed.


1. All caches placed on the Superior National Forest must be registered at the appropriate District Rangers Office prior to placement.

2. Caches must be at least a ½ mile apart.

3. Caches need to be public, no member only or subscription caches.

4. Unregistered caches will be removed and violation notice issued.

5. Caches will last no more than one year and the District Ranger’s Office notified upon removal.

6. Physical caches must not be placed in the Boundary Waters Canoe area Wilderness, Research Areas, Natural Areas, or National Natural Landmarks. Only virtual caches are allowed in these areas.

7. Caches must be placed following Leave No Trace principals.

8. To protect threaten and sensitive species, caches must be only in uplands to protect wetlands and placed in such as a way that there is no disturbance of the ground or vegetation.

9. Caches must not contain food or hazardous materials.

10. Containers must be no smaller than a pint and no larger than two gallons.

11. Containers must be labeled on the outside so that it would not be mistaken as containing hazardous substances.

12. Do not direct people through or near identified archeological sites. This does not work towards maintaining or preserving heritage resources and could lead toward further degradation of the site.

13. Return registration to the District Office for approval by the District Ranger.

St. Paul (City)

City of St. Paul Geocaching Policy

Online Geocache Registration Form Please mention in a Reviewer Note that you have completed the geocache registration.  Also, Subscriber Only caches are not allowed.

Superior Hiking Trail

Geocaching Policy: The Superior Hiking Trail Association does not have the authority to grant permission for geocaching or similar placement of items on the trail. Anyone wishing to place such items must have the advance, written permission of the landowner involved and follow any guidelines or requirements established by the landowner. In addition, any geocache must be registered with, and follow the guidelines established by, www.geocaching.com. On any parcel of land actually owned by SHTA, any geocache must follow the requirements set by the Minnesota DNR for geocaching in State Parks.

Three Rivers Park District

Three Rivers Park District will email you the approval and copy it to the Minnesota Reviewers.  Please wait to submit your cache for review until the permit is sent.

Three Rivers Park District Geocaching Policy and Application Form

Three Rivers Regional Trails

From the above link:  Geocaching is not allowed at Noerenberg Gardens or The Landing – Minnesota River Heritage Park, or on their Regional Trails.

Click here for Three Rivers Parks Regional Trails Map

UMore Park (Rosemount and Dakota County)

Caching is prohibited in UMore Park.


U.S.  Corp of Engineers property


Geocaching at Civil Works Projects

Washington County Parks

Washington County Parks Geocaching Policy
