Current Reviewer for Alberta
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- Groundspeak respects the wishes of land managers and land owners.
- The rules listed below are their rules, belonging neither to the reviewers nor to Groundspeak. Responsibility for meeting these rules rests with the cache owner and responsibility for enforcement of those rules rests with the land manager.
- Note that this page is a work in progress. Other land policies concerning geocaching will be added as that information becomes available.
Alberta Provincial Parks and Protected Areas:
There have "recently" been some concerns raised by Alberta Parks about cache placement in their parks, recreation areas, and protected areas. At this time they are in the process of setting up guidelines for geocaching in the Provincial areas.
At this time the local reviewer has been asked to pass on all cache submissions to a contact at Alberta Parks who will contact the local land manager so that they can look at the location and decide whether a cache will be permitted or not.
The following criteria has been set out:
. Cache contents - no food items, tobacco, explosives, dangerous items such as knives, firearms etc.
- Cache size is no larger than 30 cm. (width, length or depth)
- Cache containers need to be weather-sealed, animal proof (never used for food storage) and suitable for all weather conditions.
- Caches should be placed near to officially designated trails (as per trail map for the site, example Fish Creek Provincial Park) or, for less used sites, near to established trails; new trails should not be created to place a cache.
- Caches should not be buried, nailed to trees or placed in restrictive areas, environmentally sensitive areas or dangerous places to access such as cliffs, etc. that would create a public safety risk.
This is a work in progress as an agreement on cache placement is reached between Calgary Parks and the geocaching community.
Guiding Principles for Geocaching in Calgary Parks
To provide direction for the management of geocaching as a recreational activity in Calgary's parks and natural areas.
The principles apply to all parks and natural areas with the exception of ecological reserves or sanctuaries where geocaching is prohibited. These include Special Protection Natural Areas – Natural Environment Parks, Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Weaselhead / South Glenmore (Natural Area) and Southland Nature Reserve. The guidelines will remain in effect until further notice.
Operational Policy – Other Existing Policies Apply
Participants in geocaching activities must adhere to the Parks & Pathways Bylaw, Tree Protection Bylaw, other related policies, regulations and management direction. This includes specific regulations and policies respecting other recreation activities such as hiking and trail use as well as conservation policies.
Cache Lifespan
Caches placed in protected areas must not be considered "permanent" by cache owner. Caches must be removed once the cache is no longer being actively sought or within 3 years, whichever is sooner.
Final Approval
The Director, Parks or designate shall have final authority on any amendments or exceptions to these guidelines.