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Updated May 28  2020

Minnesota- Community First - Event/CITOs and Social Distancing (COVID-19)

On May 27, 2020 Minnesota Governor Tim Walz issued a new Executive Order, replacing the "Stay in Place" order with a new Executive Order effective May 31, 2020........(please see the Executive Order link below for details)".

Click on this link for the governor’s latest executive order:   Emergency Executive Order 20-63

(6c)"Gatherings. All gatherings of more than 10 people are prohibited, except asset forth below. Gatherings are groups of individuals, who are not members of the same household, congregated together for a common or coordinated social, civic, community, faith-based, leisure, or recreational purpose—even if social distancing can be maintained. This prohibition includes planned and spontaneous gatherings, public and private gatherings, and indoor and outdoor gatherings. Examples of prohibited gatherings include, but are not limited to,social, civic, community, faith-based, or leisure events, sporting or athletic events, performances, concerts, conventions, fundraisers, parades, fairs, and festivals that bring together more than 10 people from more than one household. Prohibited gatherings do not include commercial activity by workers and customers of Critical and Non-Critical Businesses."

  • Events/CITOs will not be Published in Minnesota since planned gatherings of 10 or more people are currently prohibited.  

  • Once there is an appropriate public gathering number in place, we will evaluate publishing of geocaching Events to accommodate everyone interested in attending.
  • While the heightened state of caution continues, future Events/CITOs beyond June 1 that have been already Published in Minnesota may be re-assessed on a weekly and ongoing basis.

  • If you are an Event/CITO host and you wish to cancel your activity - please post an Announcement log (to inform your Will Attends) and then Archive your cache page.

  • If you are an Event/CITO host and you wish to reschedule your activity - please contact your Reviewer (via their Profile Page) and request your page be Retracted/Unpublished.  You should not reschedule your Event at this time.

  • To view Geocaching HQ's blog post regarding COVID-19, click here.

  • At this time we are still publishing geocaches, but this is subject to change if conditions warrant. 

We are currently experiencing a higher that normal cache submission volume.  There may be times when we can only publish one cache per person per day so that we are able to serve all cache owners. 

Table of Contents

The Guide is maintained by the Minnesota Reviewers listed to the right --------->

Table of Contents

General Information

When will my Geocache be published?

In Minnesota, we have 2 Volunteers who review and publish geocaches.  We strive to begin review of geocaches within 7 days.  Typically, it is much sooner.  If some of your geocaches are published by one reviewer and some are still unpublished, please be patient.  The other reviewer will get to them as schedules permit.  If for some reason one reviewer gets behind, it is possible that another reviewer will help out. (added 8-10-17)

Include a complete Reviewer Note about your geocache

We ask all cache hiders to provide basic information in a Reviewer Note about their cache. In your private response to me, please describe your cache container in detail, as well as how and where your cache is hidden and how a visiting geocacher finds and retrieves the cache.  If your cache is attached to anything, please describe the attachment method.  Be specific about how the cache is hidden.  And please do not say something like "The same as the rest".  Each cache page needs it's own description.

Some examples: pill bottle in a hole in the tree in 'Name of City park', hide-a-key on guardrail on 'Name of Road', in water, retrieved by pulling up line from Name of Park fishing pier, a keyholder magnetically attached to a lamp post in commercial parking lot. 

Please be specific about what the container is and the size.  Just saying a "plastic container" or a 'Metal box" is incomplete.  Is it a tupperware container, a film canister, a camoed pill bottle on guard rail, a 5 gallon bucket, or a pipe resembling a stick of dynamite?  We want to know in case there is some question in the future by Law Enforcement or a property owner.

If you need to include a picture, please upload the image to a Reviewer Note.  When the cache is publishes, the image will be archived and not visible to the public.

titleMinnesota Reviewers

MN.Fruitcake, Gat R Done

Include Page
About This Guide
About This Guide

Include Page
Creative Commons License
Creative Commons License

Puzzle/Mystery/Wherigo caches

  • We do test your coordinate checker for accuracy.  If a keyword is needed to get a positive answer or coordinates other than the Final waypoint coordinates, please include this information in a Reviewer Note.
  • Please do not put your 'posted' coordinates in areas where people should not search such as freeways, private residences, railroads, off-limits locations, or other areas where access is restricted.  Lakes and street corners are fine.  I know your cache page says the cache is not at the posted coordinates, but people do search those coordinates.  We have many new cachers who are using cell phones and may not look at the cache page.  If you have any questions about a location, feel free to ask one of us.

Is my cache a Puzzle/Mystery cache or a Multi-Cache?

A simple test for a multi-cache is this: If you print out the cache page and take it to the starting location with your GPS on your trip, can you find the cache with that information? Then a Multi-cache would be appropriate.  Multi-caches require a visit to the starting coordinates.

If you can't because you need information from elsewhere - such as other caches, the Internet or need a computer (including a phone app) to examine a photograph or file then it would need to be a Mystery cache. If there is any sort of puzzle to solve then it should be listed as a mystery.  Generally these cache types do not require visits to the posted coordinates, but some do.


The Event guidelines can be found here: Event Guidelines

For indoor Events, we ask that you have at least contacted the facility's management about your plans so they are prepared for extra customers.  Additionally, informing management of your plans insures that your Event does not conflict with something already planned at the venue.  This includes first come, first served venues.  No reason to give geocaching a bad name by overloading the location.

The guidelines were recently updated.  Here is one important change: "The geocacher who owns the Event Cache page must attend the event in person."  Added 9-10-18

Coordinate Checks

We can pre-check the coordinates of a planned location for you if have something unique in mind.  A unique cache is something that requires a special container to be constructed or a Mystery cache that has a complicated puzzle to solve.  A location that you have not visited and roadside signs are not unique.  Please be patient, as we do these checks as our schedules allow. Publishing caches that have been submitted for review is our first priority. If you want us to check coordinates, please:

1. Create your cache page. It can be blank, except for the coordinates. This reserves your location.
2. Don't enable the page for review
3. Email one of us a link to the cache page (or the GCxxxxx code if you don't know how to email a link).
4. We will respond by placing a reviewer note on the cache page, letting you know if it's good, if there are more questions, or if there are problems.
5. If you do not submit a cache for publishing at that location within 30 days, the location will not be held.

Future Publication Requests

If you have a special cache that you want published at a future date, it needs to be submitted for Review a minimum of 5-7 days prior to your requested publication date. When you submit it for Review, include a Reviewer Note stating when you would like it published (date and general time of the day). We will try to accommodate your requests, but cannot make any guarantees. Please keep these requests to a minimum. 

Locations in Minnesota that need Permission, Permits, or where Geocaching is Prohibited 

Locations in Minnesota that need Permission, Permits, or where Geocaching is Prohibited

Link to Minnesota County Land Maps

The information is provided by the Minnesota IT Offices Geospatial Service.

Locations needing verified permission in a Reviewer Note


With caches on cemetery property (and not just on the burial ground areas) we ask that you obtain permission from the caretaker. In the case of a church cemetery that would probably be the pastor, in the case of a city cemetery probably a municipal official. We ask this since graveyard hides are often in sensitive areas and we do not want to give cemetery caretakers or the public a perception that geocachers are insensitive.

 When you have had a chance to obtain permission, please place the details (name and full contact information) in a reviewer note.

Utility Equipment

 Attaching a geocache to utility equipment, such as a piece of power equipment, water or sewer equipment, etc. will need permission.  I'm sure they would not want to find a foreign object attached to something vital to the operation of their equipment.

Provide the complete contact information for who granted permission to place a cache at this location in a Reviewer Note.


After the I-35 bridge collapse, Minnesota bridges are under additional scrutiny. Bridges are also potential terrorist targets. With those two items in mind, caches generally need to follow the guideline below:

4-lane or interstate (or over 4 lane/interstate) - 100' away (from the driving surface or the supports below)
2 lane major road - 50' to 100' away, depending on setting

Near Active Railroads

 Railroads typically have a right of way that extends 150 feet to either side of the tracks, and trespassing onto the right of way is prohibited by Federal Regulations.  Even if the RR appears abandoned, if the tracks are still in place we will not publish a cache there.  I

If the area has been converted to a trail and all trackage has been removed, that likely will be OK.  Just tell us about the location in a Reviewer Note.

If there is something that prevents seekers from venturing onto nearby tracks like a fence, please tell us about it in a Reviewer Note.

Fire Hydrants

 Hiding a cache on a fire hydrant could interfere with the hydrant's use in an emergency situation. A small cache container can become lodged in fire hose threads or fittings, for one example. Second, law enforcement officers are watchful of persons who appear to be tampering with a fire hydrant. And third, since dogs do what they do at fire hydrants, expecting cachers to retrieve a cache that has been treated in that manner is a bad idea.  If you have verifiable permission, please post it to a Reviewer Note.

Near Schools

The Geocaching guidelines do not allow caches to be hidden on OR NEAR school property.  We live in suspicious times and such a location may get a cache seeker in trouble.

  1. Following recent unfortunate events we are exercising an abundance of caution when it comes to cache placements near schools.
  2. While the school administration may be OK with the idea, parents, the general public and law enforcement officers are unaware of this. Adults milling around school property without an apparent clear purpose arouse suspicion - as they should. We're not putting geocachers in such situations by having them search for caches at schools.
  3. Even when there are conditions on the cache page, they are unenforceable. Today many geocachers operate using smart phones and go searching for caches when something nearby shows up. Placing requests on the cache page to search after hours, on weekends, or to announce their intention to search for the cache by visiting the school office seem like a good idea. More often than not, those instructions will not be seen and will therefore not be followed.

In Trees

If you place a cache high in a tree that is accessed by climbing, we would ask that you provide permission to climb the tree. How high off the ground is this cache located?  My concern here is that climbing trees is not a typical park activity and a geocacher climbing a tree can easily cause damage.  If the tree is out in a wooded area and not a 'landscape' tree, this will not be a concern.  Trees planted by parks departments can be costly and if damaged, geocaching may be banned. 

If a climb is required or one of the ways searchers may use to access the cache, I'll need to know what permission you have to place the cache in a tree.  Otherwise, please reposition the cache so climbing is not required.


Roundabouts are traffic control devices.  Caches will only be allowed on roundabouts where there is pedestrian access either onto it or across it in the form of marked crosswalks, underpasses and crossings, or if permission has been granted. This is to avoid any distractions to motorists using the roundabout.

Little Free Libraries

Caches are fine in these.  However, the name "Little Free Library" cannot be used as it is commercial.  We need to know that you have permission to place a cache on or in the library.  Someone owns the structure.  If you own it, saying so in a Reviewer Note is fine.

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